General Asian History Resources |
Loni Ding Ancestors in the Americas (virtual exhibit tied to series, focused on Asian immigration to America) (Public Broadcasting Service, Alexandria, VA) |
The Ancient East Asia Website (articles on Chinese, Japanese, and Korean archaeology, plus news, and a large link page on archaeology) (Simon Holledge) |
An Annotated Directory of Internet Resources: The History of East and Southeast Asia (annotated links) (Robert Y. Eng, U. Redlands) |
Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library ("collaborative project providing an up-to-date hypertext map and a seamless access tool to networked scholarly documents, resources and information systems") (T. Matthew Ciolek, Australian National U.) |
Central Asia History General Resources |
H.B. Paksoy ALPAMYSH: Central Asian Identity under Russian Rule (historical and political uses of literature; the case of ALPAMSYH) |
Central Asian Monuments (links to academic monographs on key Eurasian texts, on varying subjects) (H.B. Paskoy) |
Slavic Research Center: Useful Links (links on Russia, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia, arranged by subject) (Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido U.) |
The Coins and History of Asia (virtual exhibits on coins, including the Near and Far East) (T. K. Mallon-McCorgray) |
International Dunhuang Project (multi-institutional project with database for manuscripts from Silk Road sites, with bibliographies, maps, and photos for context) (International Dunhuang Project) |
Finding World History: East Asia (annotated links) (George Mason U.) |
The Historical Text Archive: Asia Page (Don Mabry, Mississippi St. U) |
Maps of Asia (Perry Castaneda Library Map Collection, UT Austin) |
History of Mathematics in Asia (links to images of calendars and an article on Chinese mathematics, plus images and overview) (Saxakali.com) |
R. Bin Wong (U. California, Irvine) "R. Bin Wong Examines Asia's Place in World History" (video of lecture at East Asian Institute, Columbia U.) |
World History Archives: Asia (history with a working-class focus) (Haines Brown, Central Connecticut State U.)) |