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[On This Page]

 • Navigating and Bookmarking VoS
 • Searching VoS
 • Accounts on VoS
 • Contributing to VoS
 • Editing VoS (for those with accounts)
 • Technical Info about the Site
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Navigating & Bookmarking VoS


Screenshot of VoS

The original version of VoS consisted of large, static Web pages on which links were organized within a fixed hierarchy of categories and subcategories. The new VoS is built upon a database that holds information in individual, modular records and constructs the apparent relation of information items "on-the-fly" as the user requests it. This means that there is immense flexibility and control over how information is categorized on the site. The implications for navigating and bookmarking include the following:


Searching VoS

Screen Shot of VoS Search Results Ansel Adams Henry Adams Context Pop-Up

VoS Search is case insensitive and finds matches or partial matches for exact strings. (Boolean searching is not yet implemented.) Word thus matches word, words, swords, and Wordsworth. Search is limited to ~100 entries per result set.

Contributing to VoS

Anyone with a link to suggest can contribute to VoS. To add a link, navigate in VoS to the particular page, or category on a page, that is relevant and click on "Suggest a Link" for that page. Follow the instructions on the form that appears. Suggested links appear on the regular pages after being reviewed by VoS editors. (The VoS editorial staff retains the right to edit suggestions as well as to delete inappropriate suggestions.) Currently, users can only suggest one location in VoS for a link. Use the "notes" field in the form to suggest to the VoS editors that a link be cross-referenced in other areas of the site. (Please do not submit the same link twice in different locations, since this creates duplicate records in our database.)

Technical Info about the Site

The new VoS holds its data—categories, links, descriptions, and other information—in a SQL Server 2000 database that developers add to and revise through Web forms. Macromedia's UltraDev4 program is used to create the "middleware" programming (in this case, ASP2.0 and VBScript) that connects the database to the Web. When a user calls on the new VoS, the database in the background generates a page of data "on the fly" based on the latest records and the user's exact request. (Credits for technical development of the site)

VoS is woven by Alan Liu and a development team
in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
Contact: ayliu@english.ucsb.edu — To suggest links for inclusion in VoS, please use the "Suggest a Link" button on the relevant category page. To offer feedback on the site, please use the feedback form.
Guide: What the Title of VoS Means Navigating and Bookmarking VoS Contributing Links Helping Edit VoS Technical Specs Credits

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