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 •  Alan Liu (U. California, Santa Barbara)
 •  Richard Ruppel (Viterbo C., Wisconsin)
 •  U. Texas, Austin Online Courses (index)
 •  Fred Wah (U. Calgary)
Courses in English & American Literature
General English Lit. Resources
General or Cross-Period English Literature Courses   Suggest a Link
Ron Broglio (U. Florida), Revolutions in Thought 
California Virtual University: Courses in Humanities, Literature, Languages, General Education (part of "an Internet-based, interactive catalog that contains the online and technology mediated course offerings of 81 accredited California colleges and universities"; "also links to 60 campus online libraries and offers a free cou
Michael Gamer (U. Penn), A Landscape of British Poetry, 1700-1900 
Barbara Harlow, Bret Benjamin, Mary Harvan (U. Texas, Austin), Literary Contexts and Contests ("Through active--and activist--readings of these texts, and participatory writing, our own project will be to investigate the cultural arguments that literary works can instigate and the conflicts that they just as often resolve and/or exacerb
Gary Harrison (U. New Mexico), Introduction to the Professional Study of English (graduate course)
Martin Irvine (Georgetown U.), Technoculture from Frankenstein to Cyberpunk 
Matthew G. Kirschenbaum (U. Virginia), Literary Narrative in an Information Age ("How does literary culture perform its age-old ritual of narrative in an era when fragmentary and discrete units of information . . . have become the dominant means by which we communicate")
Paul J. Korshin (U. Penn), Madness and English Literature (cross-period course)
Literature Course Syllabi (collected by Jack Lynch, Rutgers U.)
Alan Liu (U. California, Santa Barbara)
Canon Revision: History, Theory, Practice (graduate)
The Culture of Information (graduate seminar in 2000 on the history, philosophy, sociology, and theory of information; attempts to define the parameters for a study of "information" that relates the concept to past ages of speaking and writing, listening and reading) (Alan Liu, Transcriptions Project, UCSB)
Jack Lynch (Rutgers U.), From Epic to Hypertext 
David S. Miall (U. Alberta), Reading, Hypertext, and the Fate of Literature (graduate course; includes well-developed set of hyperlinked notes and links)
Novel Courses ("Creating a course on the novel? In response to current directions in the canon debate, this site provides an anthology of courses that approach the syllabus at the nexus of pedagogical concerns, genre concerns, and historical concerns")
Carol Pasternack (U. California, Santa Barbara), From Scroll to Screen (explores "the differences in telling a tale orally, in writing, in print, and on the computer screen") (Transcriptions Project, U. California, Santa Barbara)
Rethinking Introductory Courses in English (Web site for the Society for Critical Exchange project on this topic; includes info on the conference, related publications, and links) (under construction)
Jeff Rice (U. Florida), Writing About Cool (course examining "the ways in which the concept of 'cool' has been played out in 20th century American literature and thought")
Richard Ruppel (Viterbo C., Wisconsin)
The Literature of Work ("traces the development of the modern concepts of 'work' and 'working people' . . . beginning in Colonial America and Victorian England and ending with contemporary American film")
Survey of British Literature: 1789-Present 
Harry Rusche (Emory U.) The Poet Speaks of Art 
Michael J. Salvo (SUNY Binghampton), Computers in English Study 
Society for Literature & Science On-Line Syllabi Database (searchable archive of syllabi; site includes a form that allows instructors to submit their syllabus)
Syllabi on the Web for Women- and Gender-Related Courses: Literature in English (Joan Korenman, U. Maryland)
Transcriptions: Literary History and the Culture of Information (NEH-sponsored curricular development and research project designed to integrate literary and technological studies. "Put in the form of a question: what is the relation between being 'well-read' and 'well-informed'? How, in other words, can contemporary culture sensibly create a bridge between its past norms of cultural literacy and its present sense of the immense power of information culture?" (Alan Liu, Director)
U. Texas, Austin Online Courses (index)
Bret Benjamin (U. Texas, Austin), British Literature Survey (16th-20th Centuries) 
Bret Benjamin (U. Texas, Austin), Masterworks of British Literature 
Melinda Menzer (U. Texas, Austin), Masterworks of British Literature 
Tim Rogers (U. Texas, Austin), Masterworks of British Literature 
Robert Stevens (U. Texas, Austin), Masterpieces of World Literature 
Fred Wah (U. Calgary)
Introduction to Poetry 
Poetry Writing 

VoS is woven by Alan Liu and a development team
in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
Contact: ayliu@english.ucsb.edu — To suggest links for inclusion in VoS, please use the "Suggest a Link" button on the relevant category page. To offer feedback on the site, please use the feedback form.
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