20th Century (After 1950) |
Audio of Joe McCarthy (WebCorp) |
"A Biased Timeline of the Counter-Culture" ('60s culture) (Judith Goldsmith) |
Creative Space: Fifty Years of Robert Blackburn's Printmaking Workshop (virtual exhibit, with lithographic images and cultural and historical background) (Library of Congress, Washington, DC) |
'With an Even Hand': Brown V. Board at 50 (virtual exhibit) (Library of COngress, Washington, DC) |
Chicago '68: An Introduction (primarily a chronology of the events in the parks and streets of Chicago during the 1968 Democratic National Convention; also includes bibliography, other site links) (Dean Blobaum) |
The Cold War HIstory 1945-1991 (links arranged by topic, within the WWW Virtual Libray site) (Tim Givan) |
Documents from the Women's Liberation Movement ("on-line archival collection documents various aspects of the Women's Liberation Movement in the US, and focuses specifically on the radical origins of this movement during the late 1960s and early 1970s") (Special Collections Library, Duke U.) |
The Historical Text Archive: Vietnam War Page (links) (Don Mabry, Mississippi St. U) |
History 3822: United States in the 20th Century, 1945 to the Present (Erika Lee, U. Minnesota, Twin Cities) |
Conflict in Indochina 1954-1979 (links to tutorial articles within the HSC Online site) (Charles Sturt U., Australia) |
Troy Johnson, "The Alcatraz Indian Occupation" (National Park Service) |
Kent State University: The May 4 Collection (archives and information related to the 1970 protest debacle) (Kent State U. Library) |
The Korean War |
The Korean War (within the Korean History: A Bibliography site)(Kenneth R. Robinson, U. Hawaii) |
Commemorating the Korean War (virtual exhbit, with multimedia archives) (US Department of Defense) |
Conflict and Consequence: The Korean War and its Unsettled Legacy (virtual exhibit, with articles and other archived material) (Truman Presidential Museum and Library, Independence, MO) |
50th Anniversary of the War to Resist US Aggression & Aid Korea (articles, timelines, and images, through a Chinese perspective on the "Korean War") (the China Internet Information Center) |
Russell A. Guegler Combat Actions in Korea (articles arranged by topic; in the US Army Historical Series) |
Korean War Maps (US Army Center of Military History) |
Cold War International History Project Virtual Archive: New Evidence on the Korean War (links to articles) (Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, DC) |
NASA History Office (links, resources, data, and more) (Steven Dick, NASA) |
National Security Archive: Electronic Briefing Books (provides "online access to critical declassified records on issues including U.S. national security, foreign policy, diplomatic and military history, intelligence policy, and more" (George Washington U.) |
Okinawa: The American Years, 1945-1972 (biographical articles, photos, bibliographies, and more) (Nicholas Evan Sarantakes, Texas A and M U.) |
Richard Nixon Audio Archive (WebCorp) (requires audio capability) |
San Francisco Diggers (1966-68) ('60s culture; happenings) |
The Seattle Times: Martin Luther King Jr. (extensive resources on MLK, Jr., and the civil rights movement) |
Senator Joe McCarthy: A Multimedia Celebration (Realaudio files) (Webcorp) |
The Sixties Project (history and culture of the '60s) (Kali Tal) |
U.S. Nuclear Accidents ("a compilation of some of the known events involving nuclear devices and facilities" (allen lutins) |
The Vietnam War |
Vietnam War Bibliography (Richard Jensen, U. Illinois) |
Vietnam War Bibliography (Edwin E. Moïse, Clemson U.) |
Online Bookshelves: Vietnam War (CMH publications) (US Army Center of Military History) |
The Historical Text Archive: Vietnam War Page (links) (Don Mabry, Mississippi St. U) |
Vietnam War: Maps (US Military Academy, West Point, NY) |
The My Lai Courts-Martial 1970 (multimedia resources, within larger law case site) (Douglas Linder, U. Missouri-Kansas City School of Law) |
Recalling the Vietnam War (articles and interviews with numerous scholars) (Institute of International Studies, U. California, Berkeley) |
The Fall of Saigon (archived articles, introductory essay by Malcolm W. Browne, and more) (the New York Times) |
The Vietnam Conflict (articles, images, and other resources, arranged by topic) (John K. Swensson, De Anza C.) |
Voices of the Civil Rights Era (audio files) (Webcorp) |
AIM and Wounded Knee Documents (links to primary documents covering the American Indian Movement and the 1973 siege at Wounded Knee) (Mike Wicks and the Michigan State U. Library) |