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 •  American Literature on the Web
 •  American Studies Electronic Crossroads
 •  Keele U. American Literature Page
 •  Academy of American Poets
American Literature
General Resources in American Literature   Suggest a Link
Academy of American Poets
Homepage (Academy of American Poets)
Listening Booth (audio clips of poems read by their authors) (Academy of American Poets)
Discussion Forum (Academy of American Poets)
The Bond of Living Things: Poems of Ancestry (Academy of American Poets)
Daughters (Academy of American Poets)
Eros and the Lyric Imagination: Poems of Love (Academy of American Poets)
High Talk: Influences from the British Isles (Academy of American Poets)
Ice Age Cave Art: A Poetic Investigation (Academy of American Poets)
Life Studies: American Poetry from T. S. Eliot to Allen Ginsberg (Academy of American Poets)
The Modernist Revolution: Make It New! (Academy of American Poets)
National Poetry Almanac (Academy of American Poets)
National Poetry Map (Academy of American Poets)
Overhand the Hammers Swing: Poems of Work (Academy of American Poets)
Poetry Exhibits (Academy of American Poets)
Serious Play: Reading Poetry with Children (Academy of American Poets)
To Go Its Way in Tears: Poems of Grief (Academy of American Poets)
American Literature: Electronic Texts (Andrew L. Graham)
American Studies, Black History and Literature 
American Authors on the Web (Mitsuharu Matsuoka, Manchester U.)
American Literature and Online Research (pedagogically-oriented guide with sections on preparing for research, online search tools, American literature resources, writing and documentation, reference and library resources, and sample exercises in American fiction) (Terry Flannery, Palo Al
American Literature on the Web
Homepage of "American Literature on the Web" (Akihito Ishikawa, Nagasaki C. of Foreign Languages, Japan)
American Literature 1820-1865 
Selected Resources:  
General Resources 
Since 1945 
American Memory (gateway to "primary source materials relating to the history and culture of the United States"; "offers more than 7 million digital items from more than 100 historical collections") (Library of Congress)
American Studies Hypertexts ("collection of more than 50 hypertexts relevant to the study of American Culture(s); ncludes works by Henry Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Mark Twain, Thorstein Veblen, D.H.Lawrence, Herman Melville and many others") (American Studies Program, U. Virgini
American Studies Web (Dave Phillips, Yale U.)
American Studies Electronic Crossroads
Homepage (international curriculum innovation project with three main components: "1. The American Studies Electronic Crossroads [ASEC], a comprehensive, integrated information platform on the WWW, containing pedagogical, scholarly, and institutional in
Selected Links:  
American Studies Syllabus Library 
American Studies Programs on the Web 
ASA Graduate Program Directory 
Randy Bass (Georgetown U.), "A Brief Guide to Interactive Multimedia and the Study of the United States: An Annotated Multimedia Bibliography") 
Crossroads Testsites & Dissemination Centers 
Dynamic Syllabi (American Studies Curricula) (online syllabi that use the Internet for more than transcription of traditional, static syllabi)
Essays on American Studies Pedagogy 
Reference & Research Resources
Abstracts of American Studies Dissertations, 1986-95 
Subject Maps to Fields of American Studies 
Technology & Learning Resources 
American Verse Project (searchable archive of American poetry, primarily 19th century) (U. Michigan Humanities Text Initiative)
An American Reader (American literary texts and accompanying apparatus put online by students at U. Texas, Austin)
Chadwyck-Healey: African-American Poetry, 1760-1900 (prospectus for CD-ROM resource)
Chadwyck-Healey: The American Poetry Full-Text Database (prospectus for CD-ROM resource)
Collaborative Bibliographies in American Literature and Culture (from the T-AMLIT newsgroup Notebooks) (Randy Bass, Georgetown U)
A Digitized Library of Southern Literature: Beginnings to 1920 (HTML and TEI/SGML versions of primary materials from the 19th-century American South) (Part of the
American Literature (teaching website on American authors and literary movements)(Donna M. Campbell, Gonzaga University)
DOUGLASS: Archives of American Public Address (full-text archive of historical American oratory and related documents; organized by speaker, title, and movement or controversy; searchable) (School of Speech, Northwestern U.)
FrontList Books: American Studies (catalogue of recent books in the field from online bookstore for the humanities and social sciences)
Native American Literature (see Minority Literatures page and individual authors)
Keele U. American Literature Page
MIMI: 18th & 19th-Century American Literature E-Texts ("American authors up to the end of the nineteenth-century, including Henry James") (Andrew L.Graham, Keele U.)
SALLY ANNE: 20th-Century American Literature (Andrew L.Graham, Keele U.)
Writing Black ("literature and history written by and on African Americans")
KYLT: A Site Devoted to Kentucky Writers (English Dept., Eastern Kentucky U.)
Literary Resources on the Net: American (Jack Lynch, Rutgers U.)
Mississippi Writers and Musicians (Nancy N. Jacobs, Starkville High School, Miss.)
Multicultural U.S. Fiction Web: Concepts, Definitions, History, Reading Narrative, Websites (pedagogically-oriented introduction to the concept, history, documents, and fiction of multiculturalism; includes links and study guides) (Richard Pearce, Wheaton C.)
PAL: Perspectives in American Literature (Paul P. Reuben, California State U., Stanislaus)
Resources For American Literature (includes hypertext projects for American texts) (Daniel Anderson, U. Texas, Austin)
Paul P. Reuben (Calif. State U., Stanislaus), PAL: Perspectives in American Literature: A Research and Reference Guide (9th ed., 1996) (online resource and reference guide that may also be purchased in hardcopy)
SouthWatch ("selected resources, essays, and reviews of [U.S.] Southern literature") (Robert Sterling Gingher)
Wildernet: American Environment and American Culture (created by Thomas Thurston's class on "Wilderness and the American Imagination," Yale U.)

VoS is woven by Alan Liu and a development team
in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
Contact: ayliu@english.ucsb.edu — To suggest links for inclusion in VoS, please use the "Suggest a Link" button on the relevant category page. To offer feedback on the site, please use the feedback form.
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