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 •  Information Literacy
 •  Information Policy Resources
 •  Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies
 •  Centre for Social Theory and Technology, Keele U.
General Resources   Suggest a Link
TAP: The Ada Project ("tapping internet resources for women in computer science")
ART+COM ("an interdisciplinary group concerned with the integration of computer technology, communication and design")
Association for Computers and the Humanities  
Bibliography on Chat Communication ("the subject of this bibliography are contributions on Computer-Mediated Communication, that deal with communication in webchats and IRC (partially also MUDs and MOOs) under the perspective of linguistics, communication research and/or social sciences") (in English and German) (Michael Beisswenger)
Centre for Social Theory and Technology, Keele U.
CSTT Homepage ("especially concerned with themes that foreground the special nature of contemporary technology-organisation systems")
CSTT Publications 
CITASA- Communication and Informations Technologies Section, American Sociological Association 
CMC (Computer-Mediated Communication) Information Sources (extensive, well-organized site covering the Internet, cyberculture, technology, etc.) (John December, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, NY / December Communications, Inc.)
C|Net Online: The Computer Network (features, news, and resources covering computers and cyberculture)
Computer Mediated Communication Resources ("here, you'll find organized and annotated links to Web sites about information sources related to CMC technology, use, and study, with an emphasis on Internet-based CMC") (John December)
Corante ("Tech News Filtered Daily") (links to numerous weblogs and columns)
CTHEORY ("international journal of theory, technology and culture")
Cyberculture and Theory (links to major sites on the topic) (trAce)
Cybermind: Philosophy and Psychology of Cyberspace (Web page of the Cybermind list)
CyberReader Page (support page for Victor J. Vitanza's anthology of readings on cyberspace and virtual reality)
Cybersociology Page (Patrick Macartney, U. Leeds)
Cyberstudies Webring 
Digitale Film Directory (This directory is divided into seven sub-directories: Studios on the Internet; Independant Film Makers; Electronic Publications; Enhanced Cinemas; Digital Cinema Experiments; Cinema History; and Other Internet Film Resources)
Digital Media: Hypertext, Cybernetics, Cyborgs, and Virtual Realities (Communication Studies Dept., U. Iowa)
Fragment.nl: Cyberculture, Identity and Gender Resources (Frank Schaap)
Anthea Fraser Gupta (U. Leeds), "The Internet & the English Language" (1997) 
Rich Holeton, Composing Cyberspace (McGraw Hill Higher Education)
Information Literacy
K. Alix Hayden (U. Calgary), "Information Literacy" 
Information Literacy Definitions (Information Literacy Group, U. Calgary)
Information Literacy Bibliography (K. Alix Hayden, U. Calgary)
Information Policy Resources (Deep Collection Of Resources Organized By Nation Or Region; Includes Links To Official Policy Statements, Organizations, Surveys, Essays, Etc.) (International Federation Of Library Associations And Institutions)
Community Networking 
Copyright and Intellectual Property 
Information Policy: Europe (IFLANET)
G-7 Information Society Resources 
General Resources 
Information Technology & Telecoms (Daniel Chandler, U. Wales, Aberystwyth)
Internet and Networking: Surveys and Statistics (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions)
Internet Culture (well-organized and -selected page of links) (Martin Ryder, U. Colorado, Denver)
MOO Studies 
Netfuture: Technology and Human Responsibility (weekly newsletter that submits the net to ethical, social, political critique) (Steve Talbott)
Netlab (Sociology, U. Toronto)
New Media Studies (companion site to Web.Studies 2004) (this site has been designed for the study of new media, with a strong emphasis on the Web, and contains articles, book, website reviews, web design guides, internet information, and more.) (David Gauntlett, U. of Leeds)
PEW Internet & American Life Project ("The Pew Internet & American Life Project produces original, academic-quality reports that explore the impact of the Internet on families, communities, work and home, daily life, education, health care, and civic and political life. The Project also aims to be an authoritative source on the evolution of the Internet through collection of essential, relevant data and timely discussions of real-world developments as they affect the virtual world")
Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies
Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies Homepage (David Silver, U. Washington)
Course List:- Cyberculture (extensive set of links to syllabis and course pages ) (Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies; David Silver, U. Washington)
Cylberculture Studies Book Reviews (monthly review)
Cyberculture: An Annotated Bibliography  (David Silver, U. Washington)
Featured Links- Cyberculture Studies 
Internet Interviews 
Resources in Culture of Interest to Information Professionals (annotated bibliography) (Joe Ryan)
Sociology of Cyberspace Links (U. Sydney)
Teaching Social Issues of Computing: Challenges, Ideas, and Resources (Tom Jewett, Rob Kling)
U.S. National Information Infrastructure Virtual Library 
Virtual Society: The Social Science of Electronic Technologies (Steve Woolgar, Oxford)
WayBack Machine (Internet Archive) (massive archive of Web sites launched on Oct. 24th, 2001, that is designed to provide access to Web pages as they existed in the past; searching for a site returns dated versions starting about fall 1996)
WebStars: Virtual Reality (metapage of resources in theory & practice of virtual reality)
Yahoo! Society and Culture: Cyberculture 

VoS is woven by Alan Liu and a development team
in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
Contact: ayliu@english.ucsb.edu — To suggest links for inclusion in VoS, please use the "Suggest a Link" button on the relevant category page. To offer feedback on the site, please use the feedback form.
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