German |
Albrecht Altdorfer (biography, images, and brief analyses of Altdorfer's work) (Nicolas Pioch, Web Museum) |
Web Museum, Paris Hans Burgkmair (images and biography) (Emil Kren and Daniel Marx) |
Hans Baldung Grien (thumbnails & large images) (Carol Gerten-Jackson) |
Lucas Cranach the Elder |
Web Gallery of Art Lucas Cranach the Elder (biographical information and extensive image links to painting and graphic arts) (Emil Kren and Daniel Marx) |
Artcyclopedia Lucas Cranach the Elder Online (links to Cranach's work in museums and galleries worldwide, image archives, and other online resources) (John Maylon) |
Albrecht Dürer |
Artcyclopedia Albrecht Dürer Online (biographical information, image archives, links to Dürer's works in museums worldwide, articles and other research tools) (John Maylon) |
Albrecht Dürer: An Exhibit of Four of Our Favorite Prints (Glyphs) |
Albrecht Dürer: Woodcuts and Engravings (extensive woodcut and engraving images from the Wetmore Print Collection) (Connecticut College) |
Olga's Gallery Albrecht Dürer (biography and images) |
Web Gallery of Art Albrecht Dürer (extensive images of Dürer's painting and graphic arts, plus biographical and other information) (Emil Kren and Daniel Marx) |
Web Museum, Paris Albrecht Dürer (biography, images, and brief analysis of Dürer's work) (Nicolas Pioch) |
Matthias Grünewald |
Artcyclopedia Matthias Grünewald (links to image archives, articles, and other online resources for Grünewald) (John Maylon) |
Web Gallery of Art Matthias Grünewald (Emil Kren and David Marx) |
Web Museum, Paris Matthias Grünewald (biography, images, and brief analysis of Grünewald's work) (Nicolas Pioch) |
Hans Holbein the Younger |
Artcyclopedia Hans Holbein the Younger Online (links to Holbein's work in galleries and museums worldwide, plus image archives, articles, and other resources online) |
Artchive Hans Holbein (biography and image links) (mharden@texas.net) |
Hannes Delgado Hans Holbein the Younger - Totentanz (images of Holbein's Dance of Death) (in German) |
Web Gallery of Art Hans Holbein the Younger (extensive images including image details, plus biographical information) (Emil Kren and Daniel Marx) |
Web Museum, Paris Hans Holbein the Younger (biography and images) (Nicolas Pioch) |
Tilman Riemenschneider |
Artcyclopedia Tilman Riemenschneider Online (links to Riemenschneider's work in museums and galleries worldwide, articles and image archives) (John Maylon) |
National Gallery of Art Tilman Riemenschneider: Master Sculptor of the Middle Ages (biography, images, and other resources on Riemenschneider from the National Gallery of Art exhibition) (Washington, D.C.) |
Web Gallery of Art Tilman Riemenschneider (biography and images) (Emil Kren and Daniel Marx) |
Veit Stoss |