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19th-C. Authors, Works, Projects
Henry James   Suggest a Link
General Resources
Calendar of the Letters of Henry James & Biographical Register of Henry James's Correspondents (Steven H. Jobe & Susan Elizabeth Gunter / U. Nebraska Press))
The Henry James Scholar's Guide to Web Sites (Richard D. Hathaway, State U. of New York, New Paltz)
Henry James Review (full-text accessible to subscribers of Johns Hopkins U. Press's Project Muse)
The Ambassadors (NY, 1909) (Richard Hathaway, State U. of New York, New Paltz)
The Beast in the Jungle (U. Colorado)
The Bostonians (1886 ed.) (Richard Hathaway)
Daisy Miller (NY, 1907) (Eric Eldred)
The Europeans (Richard Hathaway, State U. of New York, New Paltz)
The Golden Bowl (NY, 1909) (Richard Hathaway, State U. of New York, New Paltz)
"Hawthorne" (Eric Eldred)
In the Cage (NY, 1908) (Richard Hathaway, State U. of New York, New Paltz)
The Portrait of a Lady (NY, 1908) (Richard Hathaway, State U. of New York, New Paltz)
Roderick Hudson (TeacherSoft)
Washington Square (Richard Hathaway, State U. of New York, New Paltz)
What Maisie Knew (NY, 1908) (Richard Hathaway, State U. of New York, New Paltz)

VoS is woven by Alan Liu and a development team
in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
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