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 •  College Board
 •  Law School Admission Council Online
Information for Students
Admissions Tests   Suggest a Link
4Tests.com - Your Free Online Practice Exam Site (free practice exams for high school, college, graduate school, Microsoft, and professional exams)
ACT, Inc. (info on the ACT college entrance exam; includes test prep materials, online registration, and other resources for college-bound students, their parents and educators)
California Virtual High School (CAVHS) ("provides online courses for purchase and free SAT/ACT test preparation to the students of California either individually or in partnership with schools and school districts") (UC Gateways)
College Board
Homepage for College Board 
AP: About the Advanced Placement Program 
The SAT I and SAT II 
SAT Test Date Calendars 
ETS - Educational Testing Service (official site of ETS; materials and registration for several exams including GMAT, GRE, SAT, and TOEFL, and other educational and professional resources)
Kaplan Educational Centers (info, bulletin boards, seminars on GRE's, SAT's, LSAT's, MCAT's, ESL's, TOEFL's, ACT's, and other standardized admiission tests; also includ information on how to apply to educational institutions)
Law School Admission Council Online
Homepage of Law School Admissions Council (info and resources about the LSAT test)
The Law School Admission Test (LSAT) (Law School Admission Council Online)
Number2.com - ACT, GRE, SAT Free Test Prep 
The Princeton Review (exam prep, online school applications, financial aid and scholarship resources, top school rankings, etc.)
Students Against Testing (Mark Silvia)
Triumph College Admissions (commercial firm that "offers students and schools immediate solutions to college entrance test preparation that help raise their SAT, ACT, and PSAT scores")
UCCP - University of California College Prep Online 

VoS is woven by Alan Liu and a development team
in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
Contact: ayliu@english.ucsb.edu — To suggest links for inclusion in VoS, please use the "Suggest a Link" button on the relevant category page. To offer feedback on the site, please use the feedback form.
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