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 •  The Fifteen Web Info Usenet Groups (comp.infosystems.www.*)
 •  Html 2.0
 •  Html 3.0
 •  Netscape Html
Authoring Info
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Adding Media to Mosaic Documents (how to put still images, moving images, and audio onto a Web page) (Lisa R. Wood, U. Michigan)
Advanced HTML, Tables and Forms 
The Art of HTML (extensive metapage of information and resources for Web authoring) (Krish Menon)
Authoring Style 
Comprehensive List of Web Sites (by country) 
Creating Clickable Maps (U Texas, Austin)
Creating Forms (U Texas, Austin)
John December, "Web Development" (hypertext essay on the methodology of web-site development)
DEMO: 3D User-Controlled Interface , Paul D. Bourke
The Fifteen Web Info Usenet Groups (comp.infosystems.www.*)
Concordance Search Engine (Search comp.infosystems.www.* Usenet Archives) (Critical Mass Communications)
Html 2.0
Hierarchy of Content Models in the HTML 3.0 DTD (Dianne Gorman)
ISO 8859-1 Latin 1 Characters in Ampersand Entities (Henry Churchyard, U. Texas Austin)
The Official HTML Specification 
Searching the HTML 2.0 Specification 
Html 3.0
Hierarchy of Content Models in the HTML 2.0 DTD (Dianne Gorman)
HyperText Markup Language Specification Version 3.0 
IETF - HyperText Markup Language (HTML) Working Group 
Information about HTML 3.0 
A Quick Preview of HTML 3.0 
The HTML Authoring Mailing List 
HTML Writers Guild Homepage 
Intro to HyperText Transfer Protocol 
Intro to the Common Gateway Interface CGI) 
Intro to Web Searchable Databases 
Making an MPEG Movie (U Texas, Austin)
Netscape Html
Authoring with Netscape 1.1+ Enhancements (metapage of guides and examples) (Harold Carey, Jr., International Business Information Center)
The Background Sampler (Netscape)
Creating High-Impact Documents (Netscape)
Document Specific Background and Foreground Control (Netscape)
The <IMG ALIGN> Extension (helpful demonstrations of the Netscape inline image alignment tags; answers such questions familiar to all Netscape authors as "what exactly is the difference between 'absbottom' and 'baseline'?") (Nogradi Balint)
Server Pushes (extensive page of links to server-push animation pages; includes info on implementation of server push for Netscape 1.1+) (Matt Sheppard)
Tables in Netscape 1.1 (Netscape)
Overview of HTTP (WWW Consortium)
Philosophy and the World Wide Web (advice on setting up a home page, a server, etc.)
Technical Reports from the UVA Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities (IATH) 
UVA Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities (IATH) Guide to On-Line Academic Publishing on WWW 
W3 Consortium History of WWW 
Webcraft (theory and practice of Web page design) (Alan Eyzaguirre)
Web Developer's Virtual Library 
WebNotes Internet Conferencing and Forums Service (read and post without charge to a Web server organized by discussion forums)
WEBsurf (zine with resources and technical tips for people "obsessed" with the Web) (
The Web Word (journal)
Yale C/AIM Web Style Manual 

VoS is woven by Alan Liu and a development team
in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
Contact: ayliu@english.ucsb.edu — To suggest links for inclusion in VoS, please use the "Suggest a Link" button on the relevant category page. To offer feedback on the site, please use the feedback form.
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