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Immanuel Kant   Suggest a Link
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EpistemeLinks.com: Immanuel Kant Page 
Kant (biography, links to online texts, links to related Web pages) (Bjorn Christensson)
Kant on the Web (Steve Palmquist, Hong Kong Baptist U.)
"Philosophy of Immanuel Kant" (article from The Catholic Encyclopedia, 1913()
"An Answer to the Question: What is Enlightenment?" (1784) (Michael Gamer, U. Penn.)
Critique of Pure Reason  (trans. Normal Kemp Smith) (Steve Palmquist, Hong Kong Baptist U.)
Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch (Vincent Ferraro, Mount Holyoke C.)
Prologomena to Any Future Metaphysics (James Fieser / Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

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