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Jacques Lacan   Suggest a Link
ArtsandCulture: Jacques Lacan (ArtsandCulture.com)
Kid A In Alphabet Land: A Trading Card Set Dealing With Jacques Lacan ("An Abededarian Roller Coaster Ride Through the Phallocentric Obscurantism of Jacques Lacan, With Apologies to Slavoj Sizek. 30 card series") (Carl Steadman, HotWired)
Lacan (lecture notes created for a course) (Mary Klages, U. Colorado, Boulder)
Lacanian Links ("largest annotated Lacanian link list in cyberspace") (Timothy Leuer, Kurume U., Japan)
Lacan Page (Peter Krapp, U. California, Santa Barbara)
Peter Starr (USC), "The Tragic Ear of the Intellectual: Lacan" (1998) (on Lacan and May 1968) (Tympanum)

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in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
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