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 •  Responses to the Holocaust: A Hypermedia Sourcebook for the Humanities
Minority Studies
Jewish   Suggest a Link
Academic Jewish Studies Internet Directory ("gateway to 418 high quality resources for the study of Judaism")
American Jewish Congress 
An Auschwitz Alphabet (Jonathan Wallace)
Anne Frank Center USA 
H-Antisemitism Discussion Network (HNet Humanities & Social Sciences OnLine)
H-Holocaust Discussion Network (HNet Humanities & Social Sciences OnLine)
H-Judaic: Jewish Studies Network (HNet Humanities & Social Sciences OnLine)
ETV Holocaust Forum (teaching resources on the Holocaust, including lesson plans and an annotated bibliography) (South Carolina Educational Television Commission)
J, The Jewish News Weekly of Northern California 
Jewish Multiracial Network 
Jewishnet: Global Jewish Information Network 
Jewish on the WELL ("resource library containing articles of Jewish interest, information about organizations nationally, internationally, or in the Bay Area, and a small software library") (Ari Davidow)
Judaism and Jewish Resources (Andrew Tannenbaum)
Literature of the Holocaust (Al Filreis, U. Pennsylvania)
National Center for Jewish Film (Brandeis U.)
The Orthodox Union ("gateway to the Jewish Internet")
Responses to the Holocaust: A Hypermedia Sourcebook for the Humanities
Homepage for Responses to the Holocaust ("intended to introduce the viewer/reader to the various discourses, disciplines, media and institutions that have produced significant critical and theoretical positions and discussions concerning the Nazi Genocide of the Jews of Europe, 1933-45") (Robert S. Leventhal, U. Virginia)
Torah.org - The Judaism Site (Jewish educational material, Torah archives, and e-mail classes) (Project Genesis)
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum 
Andreas Lixl-Purcell, Memoirs as History (essay on women's memoirs and Holocaust history) (U. North Carolina, Greensboro)

VoS is woven by Alan Liu and a development team
in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
Contact: ayliu@english.ucsb.edu — To suggest links for inclusion in VoS, please use the "Suggest a Link" button on the relevant category page. To offer feedback on the site, please use the feedback form.
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