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Philosophers & Works
Ludwig Wittgenstein   Suggest a Link
Grolier's Biography of Wittgenstein (G. S. Davis/Grolier Electronic Publishing)
Ludwig Wittgenstein (Tom Stone, EpistemeLinks.com)
Ludwig Wittgenstein on the Web (Brian Carver)
Picture of Wittgenstein (Philosopher's Gallery, U. Waterloo)
Wittgenstein (biography, links to online texts, links to related Web pages) (Bjorn Christensson)
Wittgenstein Page (John Siebenbaum)
Wittgenstein and his Children Page (metapage of Wittgenstein resources) (Net of Indra)
Wittgenstein Quotations (forms-based interactive page that allows users to inscribe a quotation from Wittgenstein) (Gian Lombardi)

VoS is woven by Alan Liu and a development team
in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
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