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Romanticism And Information Technology
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Special Issue of Romanticism On The Net (May 1998) (Guest Editors: Laura Mandell and Michael Gamer)
Catherine Decker (California State U., San Bernardino), Crossing Old Barriers: The WorldWideWeb, Academia, and the Romantic Novel (1998) (Romanticism on the Net)
Elizabeth Fay (U. Massachusetts, Boston), "The Bluestocking Archive: Constructivism and Salon Theory Revisited" (1998) 
Chris Koenig-Woodyard (Oxford U.), "A Hypertext History of the Transmission of Coleridge's 'Christabel,' 1800-1816" (1998) 
(also: Theory, Walter Benjamin) Douglass H. Thomson (Georgia Southern U.), "The Work of Art in the Age of Electronic (Re)Production" (1998) (Romanticism on the Net)

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in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
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