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 •  Medieval and Renaissance Drama Texts
Medieval Drama
Primary Texts Medieval Drama   Suggest a Link
Medieval and Renaissance Drama Texts (Gerard NeCastro, U. Maine Machias)
Moral Comedies and Non-Cycle Drama (Gerard NeCastro, U. Maine Machias)
Five Sixteenth-Century Latin Plays (modern English)(U. Toronto)
Le Corpus du Théâtre religieux français du Moyen Âge (The French Medieval Drama Database Project) (Jesse Hurlbut,Brigham Young U.)
Towneley Cycle (Gerard NeCastro, U. Maine Machias)
The Towneley Plays (U. Virginia Electronic Text Center)
York Cycle (Gerard NeCastro, U. Maine Machias)
York Play of the Crucifixion (U. Virginia Electronic Text Center)
The York Plays (U. Virginia Electronic Text Center)

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in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
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