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the Netherlands and Belgium   Suggest a Link
Belgian History Index (links arranged by topics; within the WWW Virtual Library web site) (Steven Leysen )
History of Belgium: Primary Documents (link page, within the EuroDocs site) (Richard Hacken, Brigham Young U.)
Red-Haired Barbarians: The Dutch and other foreigners in Nagasaki and Yokohama, 1800-1865 (exhibition of woodblock prints) (Marien van der Heijden, International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam)
Hendrik Hamel Page (presents a view of early Korea by documenting the history of Hendrik Hamel, "the discoverer [the Marco Polo] of Korea"; includes English translation of Hamel's journal) (Henny Savenije [Lee Hae Kang])
History of the Netherlands: Primary Documents (links to primary documents, arranged by time period) (Richard Hacken, Brigham Young U.)
Netherlands Historical Data Archive 
Royal Dutch Historical Society (in Dutch)

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in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
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