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Technology Of Writing
Publishing Industry & Technology   Suggest a Link
Biblioteca: A Project Extending Electronic Publishing ("Biblioteca testifies to the growing importance of electronic media in the composition and distribution of contemporary writing. It consists of chapbook-length texts published through the Electronic Poetry Center [Buffalo], including those already published in conjuction with Rif/t as well as hypermedia works and archival republications of significant typographic works") (Electronic Publishing Center)
Colin Day (U. Michigan Press), "The Economics of Electronic Publishing: Some Preliminary Thoughts" 
Educom Review Publishing Index (online articles on digital and multimedia publishing)
Joseph J. Esposito (Pres. of Encyclopedia Britannica), "The Future of Publishing" 
Joel Felix (Assoc. Ed., EBR), "L'Affaire PMC The Postmodern Culture-Johns Hopkins University Press Conversation" (on the controversy surrounding the move of the Postmodern Culture online journal from a public-access site to a subscription site) (EBR: Electronic Book Review, Winter 1997/98)
Lightning Print, Inc. ("provides 'on-demand' printing and distribution services to the book industry. LPI books are stored electronically and printed, one at a time, as ordered by booksellers and librarians through book wholesalers"; see the story in the New York
Network-Based Electronic Publishing of Scholarly Works: A Selective Bibliography ("This bibliography presents selected works, published between 1990 and the present, that are useful in understanding scholarly electronic publishing efforts on the Internet and other networks. It does not provide detailed coverage of the substantial
Ann Okerson (Office of Scientific and Academic Publishing of the Assoc. of Research Libraries), "Back to Academia? The Case for American Universities to Publish Their Own Research" (1991) 
Overview of Online Publication (excellent bibliography with links) (Willard McCarty)
J. E. Rawlins, "The New Publishing: Technology's Impact on the Publishing Industry" (text file on impact of technology on the publishing industry)
J. Sairamesh et. al., "Economic Framework for Pricing and Charging in Digital Libraries" (1996) (D-Lib)
Daniel Schutzer (Financial Services Technology Consortium, Citibank), "A Need For A Common Infrastructure Digital Libraries and Electronic Commerce" (1996) (D-Lib)
Linda Scovill, "Librarians and Publishers in the Scholarly Information Process: Transition in the Electronic Age" (Council on Library Resources/Assoc. of American Publishers)

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in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
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