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Philosophers & Works
René Descartes   Suggest a Link
CD-ROM Descartes: Vie, philosophie et oeuvres (information about the CD-ROM) (Fabrice Guého, Lycée Romain Rolland / Fabrice Noval, Institut Notre Dame)
Descartes List: Archives (Bucknell U.)
Discourse on the Method (James Fieser, U. Tenessee at Martin)
Meditations (A Trilingual HTML Edition) (includes the John Veitch translation of 1901, the original Latin text of 1641, & the Duc de Luynes French translation of 1647; paragraph numbering & paragraph by paragraph cross-navigational links are provided) (David B. Manley & Charle
Meditations of First Philosophy (trans. John Veitch, 1901) (The Classical Library)
René Descartes (Tom Stone, EpistemeLinks.com)

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in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
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