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 •  Claude Lévi-Strauss
 •  Clifford Geertz
 •  Emile Durkheim
 •  Jane Goodall
Sites, Projects, Writings (Anthropology)   Suggest a Link
The American Folklife Center (Library of Congress)
Anthropological Multimedia: A Collaborative Document 
Emile Durkheim
The Durkheim Pages
Homepage of the Durkheim Pages (Robert Alun Jones, U. Illinois in Urbana-Champaign)
Bibliography of Works by Durkheim 
Durkheim Timeline 
Glossary of Terms and Concepts 
Synopsis of On the Division of Labor in Society (Society of Social Research Page, U. Chicago)
Synopsis of The Elementary Forms of Religious Life (Society of Social Research Page, U. Chicago)
Europe at 10,000 B.P. (map) (Matthew D. Syrett, UCSB)
Clifford Geertz
Definitions of Culture (quotes and paraphrases of Geertz on the notion of "culture")
Synopsis ofThe History of Sexuality, Vol. I (Society of Social Research Page, U. Chicago)
Jane Goodall
The Jane Goodall Institute 
"The Magic I Knew as a Child" (Ecopsychology Forum)
Great Kiva 3-D Model (model of Anasazi architecture) (John Kantner, UCSB)
Mary Hufford (American Folklife Center) American Folklife: A Community of Cultures (hypertext essay)
Kinship and Social Organization Tutorial (Biran Schwimmer, U. Manitoba)
Claude Lévi-Strauss
Claude Lévi-Strauss: The Structural Study of Myth (lecture notes on the essay) (Mary Klages, U. Colorado, Boulder)
Nacirema Web: Resources on the Nacirema People ("North American group living in the territory between the Canadian Cree, the Yaqui and Tarahumare of Mexio, and the Carib and Arawak of the Antilles") (Beads, New York U.)
A New Perspective for Anthropology ("as this website shows, the method for understanding anthropology that honors both science and art is Aesthetic Realism, the philosophy founded by the great American poet and critic Eli Siegel") (Arnold Perey)
Online Resources for Canadian Heritage (Stephen Alsford / Canadian Museum of Civilization)
Romantische Anthropologie (in German) (Manfred Engel, Fernuniversität Hagen)
Temiar Web ("information and links about the Temiar people and other Orang Asli groups of Malaysia") (Andrew Hickson)
Towards an Anthropology of Internet Communities: Bibliography (Danny Yee, U. of Sydney)

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in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
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