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Archaeological Historical Preservation   Suggest a Link
ArchNet: Cultural Resource Management & Historic Preservation Resources 
NAGPRA: Native American Grave Protection and Repatriation Act, 1990 (ArchNet)
NAGPRA Documentation (Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies, U. Arkansas)
National Archeological Database (U.S. National Park Service / Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies, U. Arkansas)
The Risk Map of Cultural Heritage in Italy (Istituto Centrale del Restauro, Rome)
U.S. Cultural Protection Legislation ("archive of federal legislation relating to historical preservation and cultural resource management")

VoS is woven by Alan Liu and a development team
in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
Contact: ayliu@english.ucsb.edu — To suggest links for inclusion in VoS, please use the "Suggest a Link" button on the relevant category page. To offer feedback on the site, please use the feedback form.
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