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 •  Departments of Art History
 •  Departments of Art and Art Studio
 •  Departments of Design and Media Arts
 •  Departments of Art Conservation
Art (Modern and Contemporary)
Art History
Academic Departments & Programs   Suggest a Link
Department of Art, Art History, and Design (U. of Notre Dame)
Boston C. Fine Arts Dept. 
Departments of Art and Art Studio
Department of Art (U. of California, Los Angeles)
Department of Art (U. of California, Santa Barbara)
Department of Fine Art (U. of Toronto)
Anglia Polytechnic U., Cambridge, Dept. of Art & Design (includes art history)
U. North Texas, School of Visual Arts (Craig Berry)
Departments of Art Conservation
Art Conservation Department (Buffalo State University)
Departments of Art History
Concordia U. Art History Dept. 
Duke U. Dept. of Art and Art History 
SUNY Buffalo Art History Dept. 
U. California, Santa Barbara, History of Art & Architecture Dept. 
U. Chicago Art History Dept. 
UCLA Art History Dept. 
U. Essex Dept. of Art History and Theory 
U. Evansville Art History (Department of Archeology and Art History)
U. Glasgow Centre for for History, Archaeology, and Art History 
U. Penn History of Art Dept. 
U. Wisconsin - Madison, Dept. of Art History 
Departments of Design and Media Arts
UCLA Design/Media Arts (U. of California, Los Angeles)
Department of Design (California State U., Sacramento)

VoS is woven by Alan Liu and a development team
in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
Contact: ayliu@english.ucsb.edu — To suggest links for inclusion in VoS, please use the "Suggest a Link" button on the relevant category page. To offer feedback on the site, please use the feedback form.
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