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Vladimir Nabokov
Zembla: Vladimir Nabokov Page   Suggest a Link
Homepage (Penn State Libraries)
About Nabokov Sights (photographs) (Gennady Barabtarlo / Zembla)
An Index to Strong Opinions (John DeMoss / Zembla)
An Index to The Nabokov-Wilson Letters (Dieter E. Zimmer / Zembla)
Brian Boyd, ""Even Homais Nods": Nabokov's Fallibility, or, How to Revise Lolita" (1995) (Nabokov Studies / Zembla)
Homes and Haunts ("list of Nabokov's addresses, with some photographs") (Dieter E. Zimmer / Zembla)
The Nabokovian (index for back issues) (Gennady Barabtarlo / Zembla)
Nabokronology (chronological guide to Nabokov's life and works)
Suellen Stringer-Hye (Vanderbilt U.), "An Interview with Stephen Schiff (screenwriter of the new Lolita film" (Zembla)
Leona Toker, "Liberal Ironists and the "Gaudily Painted Savage": On Richard Rorty's Reading of Vladimir Nabokov" (1994) (Nabokov Studies / Zembla)
Vladimir Nabokov, A Bibliography of Criticism (Dieter E. Zimmer, with Jeff Edmunds)

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