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 •  Listservs & Newsgroups on American Literature
 •  Literature Listservs & Newsgroups (Contemporary British & American)
 •  General Literary Studies Listservs & Newsgroups
 •  Listservs & Newsgroups (Victorian Literature)
 •  African-American Literature Listservs & Newsgroups
 •  Listservs & Newsgroups (Anglo-Saxon & Medieval Literature)
 •  Listservs & Newsgroups (Renaissance Literature)
 •  Literary Theory Listservs & Newsgroups
 •  Listservs & Newsgroups (18th-C. Literature)
Listservs & Newsgroups
Literary Studies Listservs & Newsgroups   Suggest a Link
General Literary Studies Listservs & Newsgroups
Humanities Discussion Lists & Newsgroups
CasePoint Usenet Searcher (extremely powerful search-form that allows the user to submit a natural-language query and receive links to relevant newsgroups)
E-Mail Discussion Groups and Lists - Resources (extensive info, resources, and how-to guide relating to lists) (Bob and Varda Novick)
H-Net Discussion Networks (H-Net Humanities & Social Sciences OnLine)
Liszt: Searchable Directory of E-Mail Discussion Groups (Scott Southwick)
Literary & Other Listservers (UPenn listserv index) (see also TILE.NET below)
Mailbase - National Academic Mailing List Service 
Reference.com (searchable directories of Usenet newsgroups, e-mail discussion lists, and Web discussion forums; advanced search features) (InReference, Inc.)
Tile.Net Lists (index of discussion lists and Usenet newsgroups) (Walter Shelby Group Ltd.)
Tile.Net News (searchable index of Usenet newsgroups) (Walter Shelby Group Ltd.)
Discussion Lists
Listservs in Literature (CMU gopher)
Literary & Other Listservers (UPenn listserv index)
Literature Lists (Kansas State U. English Dept.)
Theory Listservs (originally from UPenn listserv index) (Jack Lynch, Rutgers U.)
Usenet Newsgroups
Listservs & Newsgroups (Anglo-Saxon & Medieval Literature)
Medieval Academic Discussion Lists (Edwin Duncan, Towson U., Maryland
Medieval Listservs (from UPenn listserv index) (also see TILE.NET under General English Literature Resources above)
Listservs & Newsgroups (Renaissance Literature)
FICINO ("international electronic seminar and bulletin board for the circulation and exchange of information about the Renaissance and Reformation and the decades which precede and follow") (Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies)
Milton-L Home Page 
Renaissance Listservs (from UPenn listserv index) (also see TILE.NET under General English Literature Resources above)
Renaissance Forum: E-Mail Information List 
Listservs & Newsgroups (18th-C. Literature)
Listservs & Newsgroups (Victorian Literature)
Gaskell-L (discussion list) (Gaskell Society)
VICTORIA List Archives (searchable) (Jian Liu, Indiana U.)
Victorian Listservs (from UPenn listserv index) (also see TILE.NET under General English Literature Resources above)
Literature Listservs & Newsgroups (Contemporary British & American)
20th-Century Listservs (from UPenn listserv index) (also see TILE.NET under General English Literature Resources above)
Listservs & Newsgroups on American Literature
American Studies Listservs (Jack Lynch, Rutgers U.)
African-American Literature Listservs & Newsgroups
African-American Studies Listservs (U. Penn)
AFROAM-L Archive 
Literary Theory Listservs & Newsgroups
alt.culture.theory (newsgroup)
Bataille List: Archives (U. Virginia)
Baudrillard Listserv: Archives (U. Virginia)
Blanchot List: Archives (U. Virginia)
Bourdieu List Archive (Spoons Collective)
Cybermind (Web page of the Cybermind list)
Foucault List: Archives (U. Virginia)
Frankfurt School List: Archives (U. Virginia)
Habermas List Archive (Spoon Collective)
Lyotard List (Shawn P. Wilbur)
Spoon Collective Theory Discussion Lists (subscription info and archives for the major theory/philosophy listservs and majordomos, including the Lyotard, Deleuze-Guattari, Baudrillard, Feyerabend, and other well-known majordomo theory groups)
Homepage of Tile.Net (interactive database of FTP servers, Usenet newsgroups, and listservs)
FTP Lists (generates broadly- or narrowly-defined hyperlinked lists of FTP servers)
Listserv List (generates broadly- or narrowly-defined hyperlinked lists of Listserv groups)
Newsgroup Lists (generates broadly- or narrowly-defined hyperlinked lists of Usenet newsgroups)

VoS is woven by Alan Liu and a development team
in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
Contact: ayliu@english.ucsb.edu — To suggest links for inclusion in VoS, please use the "Suggest a Link" button on the relevant category page. To offer feedback on the site, please use the feedback form.
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