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 •  General Resources in Literatures of Australia & New Zealand
 •  Peter Carey
 •  David Malouf
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General Resources in Literatures of Australia & New Zealand
An Austrialia Reading List (Universitätsbibliothek Mannheim)
Aurora Australis (peer-reviewed e-journal of contemporary Australian writing) (Australia Council / Literary Promotions Inc.)
Larrikin's Lair - Literature (Perry Middlemiss)
Larrikin's Lair: Australian Literature (Perry Middlemiss)
Literature in Australia and New Zealand (George P. Landow, Brown U.)
Homepage (Mareya & Peter Schmidt)
Australian Literature 
Database of Australian Writers 
Literary Sites 
More Australian Sites 
OzLit Bookmarks 
Poetry Collection 
SETIS Australian Literature Database (18th, 19th, and early 20th-century Australian novels, poems, plays, explorers' journals; SGML/TEI encoded, viewable in HTML) (Scholarly Electronic Text and Image Service, U. Sydney Library)
Z is for Zoetropes: New Zealand Literature (Andrew Fieldsend, U. Western Ontario, Canada)
Alan Duff Page (George P. Landow, Brown U.)
Peter Carey
Peter Carey Page (George P. Landow, Brown U.)
Peter Carey Page (Perry Middlemiss)
George Turner (Perry Middlemiss)
A. D. Hope, "Imperial Adam" (Anne Marie Van Amelsvoort, U. of Winnipeg)
Jessica Anderson (Perry Middlemiss)
Keri Hulme Page (George P. Landow, Brown U.)
David Malouf
Nicholas Jose, "Malouf's Operatic New Novel: A review of The Conversations at Curlow Creek" (Australian Humanities Review)
Helen Daniel, Interview with David Malouf (1996) (Australian Humanities Review)
David Malouf Page (Jörg Heinke , Kiel U., Germany)
David Malouf Page (Perry Middlemiss)
"Epimetheus, or The Spirit of Reflection" (1996) (Australian Humanities Review)
Sara Douglass Home Page (Sara Douglass)
Thomas Keneally (Perry Middlemiss)

VoS is woven by Alan Liu and a development team
in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
Contact: ayliu@english.ucsb.edu — To suggest links for inclusion in VoS, please use the "Suggest a Link" button on the relevant category page. To offer feedback on the site, please use the feedback form.
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