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J.G. Ballard
Interviews   Suggest a Link
Lukas Barr, "Don't Crash Psychosis, Euthanasia, Apocalypse and Other Fun Ideas: An Interview with J.G. Ballard" (1995) (KGB Media, Inc.)
Evans, Gareth Interview with Ballard and Review of the Collected Short Stories (Independent Newspaper, UK)
Hoffman, Martin 45-minute Streaming Video Interview following publication of Empire of The Sun (The Roland Collection of Films and Videos on Art: A great resource with over 300 hours of streaming video available for free viewing)
Sturton, Edward Streaming Audio Interview on the "English Identity Crisis" (08/2001) (BBC Radio 4 - Today Program (see link to audio under "Search Results" on the right-hand side))
Sutcliffe, Thomas The Shopping Mall Psychopath: Interview (Independent Newspaper, UK)
Sutherland, John "Scanning the Empty Road with Binoculars":  (The Good Book Guide)

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in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
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