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UC Digital Initiatives
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Center for Digital Discourse and Culture CDDC) "provides one of the world's first university based digital points-of-publication for new forms of scholarly communication, academic research, and cultural analysis. At the same time, it supports the continuation of traditional research practices, including scholarly peer review, academic freedom, network formation, and intellectual experimentation." (Jeremy Hunsinger, Virginia Tech)
Cyberspace Policy Institute Center for the analysis of policy problems that have a significant computer systems component. (George Washington University School of Engineering and Applied Science)
Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities "IATH's goal is to explore and expand the potential of information technology as a tool for humanities research." (University of Virginia, Charlottesville)
MIT Media Lab "Lab whose educational and research mission helped to create now-familiar areas such as digital video and multimedia. The success of this agenda is now leading to a growing focus on how bits meet atoms: how electronic information overlaps with the everyday physical world."
Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies "The Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies is an online, not-for-profit organization whose purpose is to research, study, teach, support, and create diverse and dynamic elements of cyberculture." (David Silver, Director)

VoS is woven by Alan Liu and a development team
in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
Contact: ayliu@english.ucsb.edu — To suggest links for inclusion in VoS, please use the "Suggest a Link" button on the relevant category page. To offer feedback on the site, please use the feedback form.
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