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 •  Samuel Beckett
 •  Rupert Brooke
 •  Arthur Conan Doyle
 •  Joseph Conrad
 •  Robert Graves
 •  W.H. Auden
 •  Graham Greene
 •  Frank Harris
 •  A. E. Housman
 •  G. K. Chesterton
 •  D. H. Lawrence
 •  Wyndham Lewis
 •  George Orwell
 •  Wilfred Owen
 •  T. S. Eliot
 •  James Joyce
 •  Evelyn Waugh
 •  Virginia Woolf
 •  William Butler Yeats
 •  C. S. Lewis Page
 •  Aldous Huxley
 •  Sean O'Casey
 •  "--the rest is silence": Lost Poets of the Great War
 •  Katherine Mansfield
 •  Edward Thomas
 •  Isaac Rosenberg
 •  Dylan Thomas
 •  George Bernard Shaw
 •  H.G. Wells
 •  Keith Barnes
Modern (Brit. & Amer.)
Modern British Authors, Works, Projects   Suggest a Link
Keith Barnes
Keith Barnes Page (in English and French) (Jacqueline Starer)
Beatrix Potter Trail in the English Lake District (Peter & Donna Thomson, WWWeb-Guides)
Samuel Beckett
Samuel Beckett Page (Bohemian Ink)
The Samuel Beckett On-Line Resources and Links Page (A comprehensive grouping of links to on-line essays, reviews, analyses and various other materials) (Don Wilson)
The Samuel Beckett Endpage ("a multiple resource site for all those interested in the life and works of Samuel Beckett. It also houses the official page of the Samuel Beckett Society") (Porter Abbott & Benjamin Strong, U. California, Santa Barbara)
Rupert Brooke
Rupert Brooke (Harry Rusche, Emory U.)
Selected Poetry (U. Toronto)
G. K. Chesterton
The Club of Queer Trades (Christian Classics Ethereal Library)
G. K. Chesterton Page (Martin Ward, U. Durham)
The Innocence of Father Brown (Christian Classics Ethereal Library)
The Man Who Was Thursday (Christian Classics Ethereal Library)
"Orthodoxy" (Christian Classics Ethereal Library)
The Wisdom of Father Brown (Christian Classics Ethereal Library)
Joseph Conrad
Candice Bradley (Lawrence U.), "Africa and Africans in Conrad's Heart of Darkness 
Heart of Darkness (Bret Benjamin, U. Texas, Austin)
The Joseph Conrad Society (UK) (provides details of recent scholarship, book reviews, conference announcements and links to the major Conrad sites worldwide.) (Tim Middleton, Bath Spa University C., UK)
Lord Jim (Bibliomania)
The Secret Agent (Bibliomania)
The Secret Sharer (Project Gutenberg)
Arthur Conan Doyle
Concordance Sample Search (sample search demo for a powerful search-and-retrieval text database program that outputs text in context to the Web; includes a Doyle database) (Dataflight Software)
Holmes Booklist (text file)
Illustrated Holmes 
Sherlock Holmes Stories (UPenn gopher)
Sherlockian Holmepage (Chris Redmond, U. Waterloo)
"A Study in Scarlet" (Project Gutenberg)
Early Twentieth Century British and Irish Sonnets (Sonnet Central)
Edinburghers Page (biographies; including 18th- and 19th-century authors)
T. S. Eliot
General Resources
Exploring The Waste Land (with hyperlinked notes, definitions, -translations, cross references, texts of works alluded to, commentary, -and questions to the reader.)(Rickard A. Parker)
T.S. Eliot Page (Michael Eiichi Hishikawa)
T.S. Eliot Page (The Poetry Archives)
The T.S. Eliot Page (Bruce Ong)
The Waste Land  (A hypertext presentation of 'The Waste Land', using links to texts on the Web to highlight the poem's radical intertextuality.) (Michael Green )
What the Thunder Said: T.S. Eliot Page (Raymond Camden)
"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" (includes introductory headnote from the Harper-Collins World Civilizations Reader)
"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" (www.cs.amherst.edu)
Poems (1920)
T.S. Eliot, Poems (1920) (Project Library)
"Burbank with a Baedeker: Bleistein with a Cigar" 
"A Cooking Egg" 
"Dans le Restaurant" 
"The Hippopotamus" 
"Le Directeur" 
"Lune de Miel" 
"Mélange Adultère de Tout" 
"Mr. Eliot's Sunday Morning Service" 
"Sweeney among the Nightingales" 
"Sweeney Erect" 
"Whispers of Immortality" 
Prufrock and Other Observations (1917)
T.S. Eliot, Prufrock and Other Observations (1917) (Bartleby Library)
"Aunt Helen" 
"The Boston Evening Transcript" 
"Conversation Galante" 
"Cousin Nancy" 
"La Figlia che Piange" 
"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock " 
"Morning at the Window" 
"Mr. Apollinax" 
"Portrait of a Lady" 
"Rhapsody on a Windy Night" 
The Waste Land (Bartleby Library)
The Sacred Wood Essays on Poetry and Criticism (1920)
Homepage (Bartleby Library)
"Euripides and Professor Murray" 
"Hamlet and His Problems" 
Imperfect Critics [Show]
"Ben Jonson" 
"Notes on the Blank Verse of Christopher Marlowe" 
"The Perfect Critic" 
"Philip Massinger" 
"The Possibility of a Poetic Drama" 
" 'Rhetoric' and Poetic Drama" 
"Swinburne as Poet" 
"Tradition and the Individual Talent" 
C. S. Forester, C. S. Forester Society 
E. M. Forster A Room with a View (U. Michigan Text Initiative)
Robert Graves
Fairies and Fusiliers (1918) (Bartleby Library)
Focus on Robert Graves and His Contemporaries (Richard Schumaker)
Robert Graves Archive (Philip Hunter)
The Robert Graves Trust, Society, Journal and Archive (A site linking useful resources on the Internet about Robert Graves, on-line bibliography, biography, finding aids, audio recordings and books.)
Graham Greene
Graham Greene Page (Santhosh D'Souza)
Graham Greene Page (Anne Sherry)
Frank Harris
Frank Harris Page (biographical information, annotated bibliography, reviews, and other resources) (Alfred Armstrong)
A. E. Housman
A.E. Housman Page (Martin Hardcastle)
A.E. Housman Page (The Poetry Archives)
Selected Poetry (U. Toronto)
A Shropshire Lad (Bartleby Library)
Aldous Huxley
Aldous Huxley - SOMA WEB (matthew@primenet.com)
The Doors of Perception (GluckSpilz)
Poetry from Island (Mike Markowski)
James Joyce
General Resources
Advanced Ulysses Notes 
Annotated Shorter Finnegans Wake 
"Biography" of Leopold Bloom (Jorn Barger)
The Brazen Head: A James Joyce Public House (Allen B. Ruch)
General Finnegans Wake 
General Ulysses 
The International James Joyce Foundation (Edward J. Maloney and David F. Fanning, Ohio State U.)
Jorn Barger's "robotwisdom" Joyce resources 
A Joycean Vocabulary-Builder (John S. Watson, NASA Ames Research Center)
Joyce Links 
Joyce Research Console 
Odyssey Links 
Shakespeare Parallels (James Joyce's life of Shakespeare) (Jorn Barger)
Ulysses Parallels 
Work in Progress: A Website Devoted to the Writings of James Joyce (R.L. Callahan, Temple U.)
Robert Scholes (Brown U.), "In the Brothel of Modernism: Picasso and Joyce" 
Concordance Text Search: Joyce Omnicordia ("will search for a word in either Finnegans Wake, Ulysses, Dubliners, or Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man") (Michael Hanson)
Dubliners (Bibliomania)
Finnegans Web (Electronic versions of both Ulysses and Finnegans Wake) (Donald F. Theal, Trent U. )
James Joyce's Ulysses in Hypermedia (an introductory Web site for a huge project that is presenting Joyce's Ulysses in hypermedia) (Michael Groden Affiliation: U.Western Ontario
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (Bibliomania)
Ulysses (Bibliomania)
Ulysses Page 
D. H. Lawrence
D. H. Lawrence Page (Helen Croom)
D. H. Lawrence Grove (Includes selections of his poetry with commentary, articles of criticism with particular emphasis on narrative technique and mythic symbolism, term paper tips, Lawrence links, and a popularity poll.) (Tina ferris)
D. H. Lawrence Poetry Page (Helen Croom and Vance Maverick)
Lady Chatterley's Lover (Bibliomania)
"The Rocking Horse Winner" (Gary Lindquist)
Sons and Lovers (Bibliomania)
Women in Love (Bibliomania)
Works in Bibliomania Library 
C. S. Lewis Page
C. S. Lewis: 20th-Century Christian Knight ("C. S. Lewis Mega-links page") (Dave Armstrong)
Into the Wardrobe (A regularly updated site for Lewis lovers and researchers. Features include an events calendar, bookstore, research resources, scholarly contacts, photos and biographical info.) (Dr Zeus)
Wyndham Lewis
Wyndham Lewis Page (John Constable, Kyoto U.)
The Thomas MacGreevy Archive ("poet, critic, translator, art historian and Director of the National Gallery of Ireland (1950-1963), [MacGreevy] is one of the pivotal figures of Irish Modernism. His links with Irish, British, American and European writers, artists, art historians, and politicians was so extensive that an examination of his life provides a unique window onto cultural and artistic interconnections for the first three quarters of the twentieth century") (Susan Schreibman, New Jersey Institute of Technology)
Katherine Mansfield
Larry Mitchell (Texas A & M U.), "Katherine Mansfield and Virginia Woolf" 
Katherine Mansfield Page (starmist@buffnet.net)
Katherine Mansfield Page (Malaspina Great Books)
Poems by Katherine Mansfield (starmist@buffnet.net)
Edith Nesbit, Ballads and Lyrics of Socialism (1908) (Victorian Women Writers Project, Indiana U.)
Sean O'Casey
Concordance to Juno and the Paycock by Sean O'Casey (Iowa State U.)
George Orwell
George Orwell Archive (University College, London) (info about the archive)
"A Nice Cup of Tea" (Birger Nielsen)
The Political Writings of George Orwell (Patrick Farley)
Robert Bridges Page (San Antonio College, TX)
Isaac Rosenberg
Isaac Rosenberg (Harry Rusche, Emory U.)
Selected Poetry (U. Toronto)
George Bernard Shaw
A Brief Biography (Cary M. Mazer)
"Capital Punishment" (1948) (Atlantic Unbound)
Stevie Smith, "Not Waving but Drowning" (www.artofeurope.com)
Sonnets of World War I (Sonnet Central)
John Synge, Riders to the Sea (Michael Sundermeier, Creighton U.)
"--the rest is silence": Lost Poets of the Great War
Homepage (Harry Rusche, Emory U.)
Chronology of WW I 
The Poets 
Dylan Thomas
"The Ballad of the Long-Legged Bait" (Leon Malinofsky)
"Fern Hill" (Leon Malinofsky)
The Force That Through The Green Fuse Drives the Flower" (Leon Malinofsky)
"A Letter to My Aunt Discussing the Correct Approach to Modern Poetry" (Leon Malinofsky)
"Sometimes the Sky's Too Bright" (Leon Malinofsky)
Edward Thomas
Edward Thomas (Harry Rusche, Emory U.)
Selected Poetry (U. Toronto)
Virginia Woolf
General Resources
Mrs. Dalloway's London (Rich Goldman)
Virginia Woolf Web (deep resource) (Hiroko Fukushima and Tae Yamamoto)
Virginia Woolf Society of Great Britain 
Woolf on the Web (provides links to Woolf etexts as well as a variety of Woolf-oriented websites.) (Lydia Pottle, Smith College)
World Wide Woolf ("a tour of the many points of presence Virginia Woolf icon has established on the worldwide web") (Brenda R. Silver)
Larry Mitchell (Texas A & M U.), "Katherine Mansfield and Virginia Woolf" 
Mrs. Dalloway's London: A Concordance of Selected References From Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway (Rich Goldman)
"The Novels of E.M. Forster" (review in November 1927 edition of The Atlantic Monthly
The Voyage Out (Project Gutenberg)
Evelyn Waugh
George Weigel, "St. Evelyn Waugh" (1993) (review of Martin Stannard's biography) (First Things)
Doubting Hall: A Guided Tour Around the Works of Evelyn Waugh (includes synopses, timeline, further reading and an introduction.) (John Porter)
Evelyn Waugh Page (Vincente Fores, U. Texas, Austin)
World Wide Evelyn Waugh Resources 
H.G. Wells
H. G. Wells Page (Bartleby.com)
H. G. Wells Society 
Books by H. G. Wells (list of works with links to online booksellers)
"The Idea of a Permanent World Encylopedia" (The Art Bin)
The Invisible Man (Bartleby.com)
The Time Machine (Bartleby.com)
War of the Worlds (Bartleby.com)
Virginia Woolf, from Modern Fiction (excerpt on H.G. Wells) 
W.H. Auden
General Resources
W.H. Auden Society (Auden books, poems, recordings, news, criticism, links, etc.)
"As I Walked Out One Evening" (Steve Lindberg)
"Law Like Love" (Steve Linberg)
"Their Lonely Betters" (www.artofeurope.com)
"Narrator" (Nick Russo)
"September 1, 1939" (Dave West)
Three Short Poems and "In Praise of Limestone" (Andrew Brooks)
"The Two" 
Wilfred Owen
"Anthem for Doomed Youth" (Bret Benjamin)
"Dulce Et Decorum Est" (Bret Benjamin)
Selected Poetry (U. Toronto)
"Spring Offensive" (Bret Benjamin)
Wilfred Owen (Harry Rusche, Emory U.)
WW1 Poetry & Wilfred Owen Multimedia Digital Archive (Four tutorials to teach WW1 poetry plus an extensive archive of images of Owen;s manuscripts, poems, letters, and video/sound clips related to the Great War.) (Stuart Lee, Oxford U.)
WW I Poetry Hypermedia Tutorial (innovative hypermedia lesson in the texts and contexts of WW I era poetry organized around Isaac Rosenberg's "Break of Day in the Trenches"; a form asks for the user's impression of the poem upon entering and exiting the archive) (Stuart
William Butler Yeats
"An Irish Airman Foresees His Death" 
"The Second Coming" (Bret Benjamin)
W.B. Yeats Page (The Poetry Archives)
W.B. Yeats Page (Michael Eiichi Hishikawa)

VoS is woven by Alan Liu and a development team
in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
Contact: ayliu@english.ucsb.edu — To suggest links for inclusion in VoS, please use the "Suggest a Link" button on the relevant category page. To offer feedback on the site, please use the feedback form.
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