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African American
General Resources   Suggest a Link
Academic Info: African American History & Studies (directory of online resources, including sections on digital publications, historic African Americans, Martin Luther King, Jr., slavery, the Civil War, the civil rights movement, jazz, museums, and teaching resources)
Africana.com: Gateway to the Black World (covers the geography, history, culture, and community of Africa and people of African descent; also offers news, arts, multimedia, music, chat, email, etc.)
African American Biographical Database (ProQuest Information and Learning Company)
African American Literature Book Club 
The African-American Mosaic Exhibition (resource guide for the study of Black history & culture) (Library of Congress)
African American Studies Research Guide ("starting point for research into various areas of African American studies, including cultural and sociological studies, history, art, and literature") (Amy Shapiro, Yale U.)
African American Studies Videography (Media Resources Center, U. California, Berkeley)
African American Theses and Dissertations, 1907-2002 (U. California, Berkeley)
African-American Women and Identity Bibliography (Xeturah Monique Woodley, U. Colorado, Denver)
African American Web Connection: An American Cyber Gateway for the Entire Family (William Richard Jones)
African Diaspora Film Festival (ADFF) (ArtMattan Productions)
African Missouri (Anne Taylor, U. Missouri, St. Louis)
Africans in America (PBS Online)
AfriGeneas: African American & African Ancestored Genealogy 
Afro-American Almanac: African-American History Resource 
The Afro American Newspapers 
The Afrocentric Experience (Obi Okara)
American Women's History: A Research Guide: African-American Women (Ken Middleton, Middle Tennessee State U.)
The Anacostia Museum & Center for African American History and Culture (Smithsonian)
Archives of African American Music and Culture (Indiana U.)
ArtMattan Productions: Films from Africa and the African Diaspora (Montana Banana, Inc.)
Black 2 Da Future: Urban Entertainment 
Black America Web ("Internet community and comprehensive source of info for and about African-Americans, providing visitors with relevant news and info produced by original writers and the Black press")
The Black Collegian Online - Career Site for Students and Professionals of Color (IMDiversity, Inc.)
Black Enterprise (online version of the "magazine for black entrepreneurs, professionals and corporate executives"; "provides personal finance strategies, career guidance and business updates from the African-American perspective")
Black Facts Online ("internet resource for black history information")
Black Film Center/Archive ("repository of films and related materials by and about African Americans") (Indiana U.)
BlackFilm.com ("links the Black film community while cultivating national and international audiences interested in their work"; "forum for filmmakers, scholars, and organizations")
Black Film Magazine Online 
BlackFilmMakers.net (Nommo Speakers' Bureau)
Black Film Research Online (U. Chicago)
BlackFlix.com ("African American alternative to the standard fare of movie reviews and web sites that impersonally and consistently overlook the contributions of Black stars, film makers, directors, writers and other Black film professionals")
Black History Hotlist: A Collection of Internet Sites 
Black Hollywood Education & Resource Center 
Black Information Link (The 1990 Trust Human Rights for Race Equality)
Black Native American Association 
The Black Population in the United States (pdf file)(US Census Bureau)
The Black Press: Soldiers Without Swords (PBS Online)
Black Quest: African American History Resources 
Black Renaissance/Renaissance Noire (site for journal published by New York U.)
BlackVoices.com ("news, lifestyle, career, and entertainment online destination for African-Americans")
Black Womens Health 
The Black World Today (online Black community; "collective of journalists, writers, artists, communicators and entrepreneurs who have banded together to use the information revolution as one means towards the overall empowerment of Black people")
The Blue Highway (on the history of the blues) (Curtis Hewston)
Breaking Racial Barriers: African Americans in the Harmon Foundation Collection (National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution)
Callaloo ("premier African and African-American literary journal, publishes original works by, and critical studies of, black writers worldwide") (Johns Hopkins U. Press)
Center for Afroamerican and African Studies (CAAS) (U. Michigan)
Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History 
The CIRCLE Brotherhood Association ("group of African American men practicing, and dedicated to, the quality of life, successful manhood and parenting, economic growth and development, and the pursuit of excellence and spiritual development") (Scott Williams)
Patricia Hill Collins, "Black Feminist Thought in the Matrix of Domination" (from Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness, and the Politics of Empowerment [1990]) (World History Archives)
Norman Coombs, Black Experience in America (1972) (online re-publication of book from Twayne Press as part of The Immigrant Heritage of America series)
A Deeper Shade of Black (includes a Black History database, film reviews, literature reviews, and links) (Charles Isbell)
Documenting the American South: The Church in the Southern Black Community (includes collection of electronic texts, images, a guide to religious content in slave narratives, and other info on religion in the Southern Black community) (U. North Carolina, Chapel Hill)
Electronic Text Center: African American (U. Virginia Library)
The Encyclopædia Britannica Guide to Black History (includes timeline, bibliography, articles, video/audio clips, etc.) (Encyclopædia Britannica Online)
EverythingBlack.com (gateway to Black websites and resources)
The Faces of Science: African Americans in the Sciences (Mitchell C. Brown, Princeton U.)
Five Views: A History of Black Americans in California (National Park Service)
Flashback - 97.02.12. - Black History, American History The Atlantic Monthly
G - The Gravity Web Zine 
Harlem: Mecca of the New Negro: A Hypermedia Edition of the March 1925 Survey Graphic Harlem Number (facsimile reproduction and critical apparatus for an illustrated issue of Survey magazine, the journal of social work in America in the 1920s) (Matthew G. Kirschenbaum and Catherine Tousignant, U. Virginia)
Harlem Renaissance (Jill Diesman, Northern Kentucky U.)
The History of Jim Crow (includes historical information, multimedia presentations, and teacher's resources) (New York Life)
Hollywood Black Film Festival ("festival aims to enhance the careers of emerging and established black filmmakers through a public exhibition and competition program")
The International Jamerican Film and Music Festival 
The Internet African American History Challenge ("interactive quiz that helps you sharpen your knowledge of African American History")
Internet Resources for African American Studies (U. Delaware Library)
Internet Resources in African American Studies (American Studies Electronic Crossroads, Georgetown U.)
K-12 Electronic Guide for African Resources on the Internet (Ali B. Ali-Dinar, U. Pennsylvania)
Keele U. American Studies: Writing Black (collection of links pertaining to literature and history written by and about African Americans)
The Seattle Times: Martin Luther King Jr. (extensive resources on MLK, Jr., and the civil rights movement)
The King Center ("official, living memorial dedicated to the advancement of the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.")
Malcolm X: A Research Site (extensive resources, including biography, chronology, bibliography, study guides, images, relevant links, etc.) (Abdul Alkalimat, U. Toledo)
Media Resources Center: African-American Studies (U. California, Berkeley)
MelaNet: The UnCut Black Experience ("platform for intellectual, economic, and spiritual expression of peoples throughout the African Diaspora")
Midnight Ramble ("dedicated to those actors and filmmakers of Race movies, and Black Hollywood that flourished during the first half of the twentieth century")
Museum of Afro-American History Boston 
National Civil Rights Museum (Memphis, Tennessee)
National Urban League ("nation’s oldest and largest community-based movement empowering African Americans to enter the economic and social mainstream")
Negro League Baseball Dot Com ("online home of negro league history") (P. Mills)
The Network Journal: Black Professionals and Small Business Magazine ("magazine is dedicated to educating and empowering Black professionals and small business owners")
Official Nation of Islam Webpage 
The Official Website of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 
Our Shared History, African American Heritage (National Park Service)
PAL: Chap. 9: Harlem Renaissance - Index (Paul P. Reuben, California State U., Stanislaus)
Pan African Film & Arts Festival 
Powerful African-American Images Revealed in Picture Books (Kay E. Vandergrift, State U. of New Jersey, Rutgers)
QBR The Black Book Review Online ("first book review exclusively dedicated to books about the Africana experience")
Resources in Black Studies (U. California, Santa Barbara Library)
The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow (PBS Online)
Elna L. Saxton and Jo McClamroch, "African American Culture: Some Sites You Should Bookmark" (C&RL News, Association of College and Research Libraries)
Steve Silberman, "Black Flight to the Net" (article on "the rush of blacks to the online world [that] is being driven partly by a hunger to find replacements for news and programming that have vanished during a decade of buyouts of minority broadcast outlets by huge conglomerates") (Wired News)
SnallyGaster's African American Phat Library (includes resources on African American writers, Nobel Prize winners, and the Harlem Renaissance) (Scott W. Williams)
Still Going On: Celebrating the Life and Times of William Grant Still ("multimedia celebration of the centenary of the birth of...the dean of African-American composers") (Special Collections Library, Duke U.)
Subject Guides: African-American Studies (resources through Columbia U.'s LibraryWeb)
This Week in Black History (Charles Isbell, Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Urban Entertainment ("production, exhibition, and distribution company focused on African American and urban-themed entertainment content across multiple platforms and distribution channels")
Vibe Magazine Online: Your Online Urban Community 
Voices of the Civil Rights Era (audio clips, including speeches by Martin Luther King, Jr., and Malcolm X) (Webcorp)
The W.E.B. Du Bois Virtual University (Jennifer Wager)
We Shall Overcome: Historic Places of the Civil Rights Movement (National Park Service)
The Western Journal of Black Studies (Washington State U.)
Women on the Net (WON) ("provides resources for women of color, particularly women of African descent"; covers "such topics as women in business; feminism; careers; sexuality; health and beauty; and racial issues as they exist in the U.S. and abroad")
World History Archives: African American History (Haines Brown)

VoS is woven by Alan Liu and a development team
in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
Contact: ayliu@english.ucsb.edu — To suggest links for inclusion in VoS, please use the "Suggest a Link" button on the relevant category page. To offer feedback on the site, please use the feedback form.
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