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 •  Incan Ice Mummies
Pre-Columbian (before 1500)
Inca   Suggest a Link
The Incas (extensive information on Incan history, culture and art with images and videos, plus links to other resources) (in English and Spanish) (Maria Rostworowski)
The Incas (information and images on Incan art and history) (Jorge Ruiz)
Incan Ice Mummies
Ice Mummies of the Inca (online exploration of the 1996 exhibition to the Sara Sara summit in Peru; part of PBS's Ice Mummies series) (PBS online)
Ice Treasures of the Inca ("an interactive exhibition with Johan Reinhard") (National Geographic)
Andes Expedition: Searching for Inca Secrets (includes vitual autopsy and online exploration of the Andes Expedition) (National Geographic)

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in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
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