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Cultural Practices
Courtship and Marriage   Suggest a Link
(James Marshall) Rules of Chivalry and Courtly Love 
Medieval Love (student web project includes commentary, links, texts, images and bibliography)(Piper L. Bringhurst, Westminster College)
(David Simpson) Chivalry and Courtly Love (Depaul U.)
Backgrounds to Romance: Courtly Love (Deborah Schwartz, Calif. Polytechnic U.)
(Larry D. Benson) Courtly Love and Chivalry in the Later Middle Ages  (Harvard U.)
Courtly Love Page (Harvard U.)
Marriage and Sexuality in Medieval Europe (Course syllabus for Women's Studies/Religious Studies course; includes hyperlinks to readings and sources)(Paul Hyhams,Cornell U.)
Medieval and Renaissance Wedding Information (includes bibliographies of scholarly resources) (Kirsti S. Thomas, St. Martin's C.)

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in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
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