Greece |
Aegean Prehistory Web Resources (in English, Italian, or Dutch)(Andrea Viarello, Venice U., and U. of Sheffield, UK) |
Alexander the Great |
Alexander the Great (virtual exhibit) (History Channel.com) |
Alexander in Brief (annotated links on online Alexander resources) (Tim Spalding) |
The Jewish Encyclopedia: Alexander the Great (article on Alexander's relation to Jewish history) |
Alexander the Great of Macedon: From History to Eternity (articles with images, arranged by topic, covering Alexander;s full career) (John J. Popovic) |
Alexander the Great: Bibliography (John Paul Adams, Cal State U., Northridge) |
Empire of Alexander the Great- -Expansion into Asia and Central Asia (overview article and links) (Irma Marx, Silkroad Foundation) |
Chris Whitten Alexander the Great: World Conqueror (essay with images and maps, giving historical overview) |
Ancient Greece (links to tutorial articles on Bronze Age, Minoan and other topics, within the HSC Online sites) (Charles Sturt U., Australia) |
Discovery Channel Asia: Greece (links to pages of articles, arranged by topic) (Discovery Channel Asia) |
Ancient Wonders: A Web Quest into Antiquities (articles and images, arranged by region and by area; includes links) (Joshua Delorenzo and Thomas Caswell) |
The Ancient City of Athens ("a photographic archive of the archaeological and architectural remains of ancient Athens) (Kevin T. GLowacki, Indiana U) |
Ancient Greek Sites on the World-Wide Web (a wide range of resources under the following four meta-topics: Authors & Texts; Art & Images; Resources & Topics; Maps & Geography) (Bob Fisher) |
The Ancient Greek World (virtual museum exhibition) (U. of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology) |
The Ancient Olympic Games Virtual Museum (requires registration) (Fillia Makedon, Dartmouth C.) |
The Black Sea Trade Project (focus on Sinop, a Greek and Roman colony on the Turkish Black Sea coast; includes historical articles and field reports) (Fredrik T. Hiebert, U. of Pennsylvania) |
The Colossous at Rhodes (text and images, within the Seven Wonders of the Ancient Wrold site) (Alaa K. Ashmawy, U. South Florida) |
The Development of the Greek World, 800-500 BC (links to tutorial articles within the HSC Online sites) (Charles Sturt U., Australia) |
Herodotus, The History of Herodotus (Rawlinson translation into English) (Internet Classics Archive, Massachusetts Institute of Technology) |
Greek and Roman History: Links, Documents, Notes (annotated links, including on-site articles and primary sources, arranged by period) (John Paul Adams, California State U., Northridge) |
Pericles (tutorial article within the HSC Online sites) (Charles Sturt U., Australia) |
Gregory Crane (Tufts U.) The Case of Plataia: Start of a World War and an End of History (hypetexted essay on the Greek city-state and its militrary history, plus bibliography) |
Ships of the Ancient Greeks ("An Annotated Collection of Internet Resources: Archaeology Sites, History Sites, Classics Sites, Museum Sites,Bibliographies, Syllabi, Articles, Lectures, Book Reviews, and Images") (Bob Fisher) |
The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus (text and images, within the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World site) (Alaa K. Ashmawy, U. South Florida) |
Thucydides History of The Peloponnesian War (Crawley English translation) (Internet Classics Archive, Massachusetts I. of Technology) |
Warfare in the Greco-Roman World (includes articles and links, arranged by geographical area) (James MacLean) |
The Statue of Zeus at Olympia (text and images, within the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World site) (Alaa K. Ashmawy, U. South Florida) |