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 •  Feminist Majority Foundation
Women's Studies & Feminist Theory
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100 Years of Women at the University in Bonn, 1896-1996 (online exhibition site in German) (Women's History, U. Bonn)
4000 Years of Women in Science (Department of Physics & Astronomy, U. Alabama)
Contraception and Abortion Rights Web (Laurie Mann)
Andrea Dworkin Web Site (Nikki Craft, Always Causing Legal Unrest)
Ruth Bordin, Alice Freeman Palmer: Evolution of a New Woman (full text available online) (U. Michigan)
Tracy Quan, "The Prostitute, the Comedian -- and Me" (interview with Camille Paglia)
Women in Canadian History (Susan Merritt and Cam Williams)
Robert Cavalier (Carnegie Mellon U.), "A Dialogical Perspective of Feminism and Pornography" (1996) (CMC Magazine)
A Celebration of Women Writers (Mary Mark Ockerbloom, U. Pennsylvania)
Center for American Women and Politics (State U. of New Jersey, Rutgers)
Coalition Against Trafficking in Women ("non-governmental organization that promotes women's human rights"; "works internationally to combat sexual exploitation in all its forms")
Digital Sisters: Technology Education with Women in Mind ("non-profit organization created to promote and provide technology education and enrichment for young girls and women of color")
Diotima: Women and Gender in the Ancient World (Ross Scaife, Stoa Consortium)
Documents from the Women's Liberation Movement ("on-line archival collection documents various aspects of the Women's Liberation Movement in the US, and focuses specifically on the radical origins of this movement during the late 1960s and early 1970s") (Special Collections Library, Duke U.)
Domestic Goddesses: AKA Scribbling Women ("moderated e-journal, devoted to women writers, beginning in the 19th century, who wrote domestic fiction")
William C. Dowling, "The Gender Fallacy" (1995) (Rutgers U.)
Emory Women Writers Resource Project ("collection of edited and unedited texts by women writing in English from the seventeenth century through the nineteenth century") (Sheila Cavanagh, Emory U.)
Femina Web Search for Women ("sites for, by, and about women")
Swirl: Feminism (SWIRL, Southern Oregon U.)
Feminism at Feminist Utopia ("site that offers various feminism and activism resources") (Colleen McEneany)
Feminist Ethics (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Stanford U.)
Feminist Majority Foundation
Homepage for Feminist Majority Foundation 
911 for Women (Feminist Majority Foundation)
Arts, Entertainment & Literature (Feminist Majority Foundation)
Breast Cancer Information Center (Feminist Majority Foundation)
Domestic Violence Information Center (Feminist Majority Foundation)
Feminist Career Center (Feminist Majority Foundation)
FeministCampus.org (Feminist Majority Foundation)
Feminist Court Watch (Feminist Majority Foundation)
Feminist Internet Gateway (Feminist Majority Foundation)
Feminist News and Events (Feminist Majority Foundation)
Feminist Research Center (Feminist Majority Foundation)
Feminists Against Sweatshops (Feminist Majority Foundation)
George W. Bush Administration Feminist Appointment Watch (Feminist Majority Foundation)
Get Out Her Vote (Feminist Majority Foundation)
Global Feminism (Feminist Majority Foundation)
HelpAfghanWomen.com (Feminist Majority Foundation)
Million4Roe (Feminist Majority Foundation)
National Center for Women and Policing (Feminist Majority Foundation)
Reproductive Rights (Feminist Majority Foundation)
Take Action with the Feminist Majority! (Feminist Majority Foundation)
Volunteer! Put Your Feminism to Work! (Feminist Majority Foundation)
Women in Sports (Feminist Majority Foundation)
Women's History Month (Feminist Majority Foundation)
Feminist Pedagogy Resources and Tools (Women's Studies 702, Ohio State U.)
FEMISA at CSF (discussion archives of Feminist Theory and Gender Studies) (U. Colorado, Boulder)
Feminist Theory Website (Kristin Switala, Center for Digital Discourse and Culture, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State U.)
Women's Studies Database: Film Reviews (film reviews from a feminist perspective) (U. Maryland)
French Feminism List Information (U. Virginia)
gender Inn (bilingual German and English site; "searchable database providing access to over 8,300 records pertaining to feminist theory, feminist literary criticism and gender studies focusing on English and American literature")
Gifts of Speech: Women's Speeches from Around the World (Liz and Tom Kent, Sweet Briar C.)
Global Fund for Women ("international network of women and men committed to a world of equality and social justice, advocates for and defends women's human rights by making grants to support women's groups around the world")
Guerrilla Girls: Fighting Discrimination with Facts, Humor, and Fake Fur ("over 100 posters, stickers, books, printed projects, and actions that expose sexism and racism in politics, the art world, film and the culture at large")
H-Women Internet Links (HNet Humanities & Social Sciences OnLine)
ifeminists.com ("the home for individualist feminism on the net") (Wendy McElroy)
Independent Women's Forum 
Women's Studies Resource Guide (Susan Goodwin and Elaine Watson, U. Alberta)
Patricia Klindienst, "The Voice of the Shuttle Is Ours" (Voice of the Shuttle)
Kathryn Jean Lopez, "Women Who Lie" (2002) (article on the "miseducation" of Women's Studies) (National Review Online)
Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index (Margaret Schaus, Haverford C.)
Sara Mills and Christine A. White, "Discursive Categories and Desire" (1997) (from Language and Desire, Keith Harvey and Celia Shalom, ed.) (Sheffield Hallam U.)
NARA: ALIC: Pathfinder for Women's History Research (US National Archives and Records Administration)
National Center on Women & Aging Research (Brandeis U.)
National Center for Curriculum Transformation Resources on Women (Towson U.)
National Organization for Women 
National Women's History Project 
National Women's Studies Association (U. Maryland)
Literary Resources — Feminism and Women's Literature (Jack Lynch, Rutgers U.)
The Orlando Project: An Integrated History of Women's Writing in the British Isles (U. Alberta)
PlanetGrrl (UK site for and by women and girls)
Prostitution Research & Education (Melissa Farley, Nitecat Media)
Reading Women's Lives Electronic Bookshelf ("database of over 300 articles, essays, and poems that instructors can select from to create their own, customized reader for introductory Women's Studies courses, specialized courses like Women and Literature, or as a supplemental reader to courses where gender is one of the topics addressed")
Reproductive Technologies Web: RT21 (Harvard School of Public Health)
Resources of Scholarly Societies - Gender Studies (U. Waterloo)
Scary Women (U. California, Los Angeles Film and Television Archive)
Schlesinger Library ("Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America collects manuscripts, books, and other materials essential for understanding women's lives and activities in the US") (Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard U.)
Site Index for Feminism Web at Erratic Impact's Philosophy Research Base (Danne Polk, Villanova U. and Erratic Impact)
Stanford Women in Computer Science (Stanford U.)
Christine Stolba, Lying in a Room of One's Own: How Women's Studies Textbooks Miseducate Students (PDF file) (Independent Women's Forum)
Jon Stratton, "Man-Made Women" (1996) (Australian Humanities Review)
Susan B. Anthony (Jody Litt, U. Rochester)
Taxonomy of Feminist Intellectual Traditions (Warren Hedges, Southern Oregon U.)
Terry Threadgold, "Cultural Studies, Feminist Values: Strange Bedfellows or Sisters in Crime?" (1996) (Australian Humanities Review)
Vedams Books from India (list of Women's Studies books published in India)
ViVa: A Bibliography of Women's History in Historical and Women's Studies Journals (info on materials in English, French, German, and Dutch) (International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam)
Voxygen (personal site devoted to feminist cultural studies; includes teaching resources and syllabi and a page on Donna Haraway) (Laura Sells, Louisiana State U.)
Suzanna Danuta Walters, "From Here to Queer: Radical Feminism, Postmodernism, and the Lesbian Menace (or, Why Can't a Woman Be More Like a Fag?)" (1996) (Signs, U. Louisville)
What Is Feminism? (lecture notes created for a course) (Mary Klages, U. Colorado, Boulder)
WMST-L File Collection (large collection of files from WMST-L, an international Women's Studies listserv) (U. Maryland, Baltimore County)
W O M E N H O U S E ("collaborative, multi-authored site that explores the politics of domesticity and gender relations through virtual 'rooms' and conceptual domestic 'spaces' by 24 artists, architects, poets, art historians, and cultural theorists") (California Museum of Photography, U. California, Riverside)
Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600-2000 ("52 document projects with over 1250 primary documents") (Thomas Dublin and Kathryn Kish Sklar, Binghamton U.)
Women and Marxism: Marxists Internet Archive ("broad documentation both on women's issues and Marxism"; organized by authors, works, and subjects)
Women Artists of the American West: Past and Present ("internet course and interdisciplinary resource featuring the vital contributions that women have made to the art and history of the American West") (Purdue U.)
Women in American History (Encyclopædia Britannica)
Women in Management (Stanford Graduate School of Business)
Women in Science and Engineering (Brown U.)
Women in World History Curriculum (teaching resources) (Lyn Reese)
Women Leaders Online and Women Organizing for Change ("first and largest women's activist group on the internet -- empowering women in politics, media, society, the economy and cyberspace")
Women Make Movies ("multicultural, multiracial, non-profit media arts organization which facilitates the production, promotion, distribution and exhibition of independent films and videotapes by and about women"; includes film and video catalog and links to other websites on women and media)
Female Nobel Prize Laureates (Nobel Prize Internet Archive)
Women of Color Web (writings and links on feminisms, sexualities, reproductive rights, also teaching tools, organizations, discussions, and other resources)
Women on the Net (WON) ("provides resources for women of color, particularly women of African descent"; covers "such topics as women in business; feminism; careers; sexuality; health and beauty; and racial issues as they exist in the U.S. and abroad")
Women's Suffrage (Meredith Goldstein-LeVande, U. Rochester)
Women's Freedom Network 
Women's Intellectual Contributions to the Study of Mind and Society (Linda M. Woolf, Webster U.)
Women's Net: An IGC Progressive Community 
Womenspace ("online activism for women's rights and civic participation")
The Women's Review of Books: A Feminist Guide to Good Reading (Wellesley C.)
Women's Studies Resources (Karla Tonella, U. Iowa)
Women's Studies EuroMap (women's studies resources with emphasis on Europe) (Centre of Women's Studies of Antwerp, Belgium)
Sallie Bingham Center for Women's History and Culture (Duke U. Libraries)
Women's Studies Database (resources in gender studies, feminist film and literature, pedagogy, etc.) (U. Maryland)
Women's Studies Librarian's Office (U. Wisconsin)
Women's Studies Online Resources (U. Maryland, Baltimore County)
Women's Studies: French Feminist Theory (links to resources on Hélène Cixous, Luce Irigaray, Julia Kristeva, Rosi Braidotti, Simone de Beauvoir, Monique Wittig, and Catherine Clement) (U. Iowa)
Women Writers Project ("long-term research project devoted to early modern women's writing and electronic text encoding") (Brown U.)
Womynlynks! ("links to sites lauding the lives and accomplishments of notable women in the fields of music, literature, television, activism, painting, and the performance arts")
WSSLinks: Women and Gender Studies Web Sites (Women's Studies Section of the Association of College & Research Libraries)
WWWomen! The Premier Search Directory for Women Online! 

VoS is woven by Alan Liu and a development team
in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
Contact: ayliu@english.ucsb.edu — To suggest links for inclusion in VoS, please use the "Suggest a Link" button on the relevant category page. To offer feedback on the site, please use the feedback form.
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