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The Middle East
The Crusades   Suggest a Link
Urban II Speech at Council of Clermont, 1095, Five versions of the Speech (English translations; within the Internet Medieval Sourcebook site) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.)
Albert of Aix Historia Hierosolymita (selections from chronicle; English translation; within the Internet Medieval Sourcebook site) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.)
Anna Comnena The Alexiad (full English translation; within the Internet Medieval Sourcebook site) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.)
The Siege and Capture of Antioch: Collected Accounts (English translations of primary sources, within the Internet Medieval Sourcebook) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.)
Bernard of Clairvaux Apologia for the Second Crusade (English translation, within the Internet Medieval Sourcebook) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.)
Bibliothèque Nationale de France  (manuscript illuminations from the Crusades) (Bibliothèque Nationale de France)
Paul Crawford Crusading (Articles, with links to primary sources, within the ORB online encyclopedia)
La deuxième croisade (links to chronicle sources related to the Second Crusade, in French) (Marc Carrier, U. of Paris)
La quatrième croisade (links to chronicle sources concerning the Fourth Crusade, in French) (Marc Carrier, U. of Paris)
The Crusades (full electronic course) (E. L. Skip Knox, Boise State U.)
Crusades: A Guide to Online Resources (annotated links, within the Online Reference Book for Medieval Studies) (Paul Crawford)
Denmark and the Crusading Movement (project description, articles, links, and more) (U. Southern Denmark)
The First Crusade (overview, lecture transcript) (Lynn Harry Nelson, U. Kansas)
Fulcher of Chartres History of the Expedition to Jerusalem (selections from chronicle; English translation; within the Internet Medieval Sourcebook site) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.)
Geoffrey de Villehardouin Memoirs or Chronicle of The Fourth Crusade and The Conquest of Constantinople  (English translation, within the Internet Medieval Sourcebook) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.)
Gesta francorum (selections; English translation; within the Internet Medieval Sourcebook site) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.)
Guibert de Nogent On the First Crusade (selections from chronicle; English translation; within the Internet Medieval Sourcebook site) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.)
Internet Medieval Sourcebook: The Crusades (links to primary sources, arranged by subject and period) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.)
The Siege and Capture of Jerusalem: Collected Accounts (English translations of primary sources, within the Internet Medieval Sourcebook) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.)
William Urban "An Historical Overview of the Crusade to Livonia" (article within the ORB online encyclopedia)
Thomas Madden "The Impact of the Crusades" (1999) (article, within the ORB online encyclopedia)
Paul Magadalino "The Byzantine Background to the First Crusade" (article) (1996)
Solomon bar Samson The Crusaders in Mainz, May 27, 1096 (translation into English, within the Internet Medieval Sourcebook) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.)
Order of Malta: History of the order 1099-1999 (overview) (Order of Malta, Rome)
The Siege and Capture of Nicea: Collected Accounts (English translations of primary sources, within the Internet Medieval Sourcebook) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.)
Odo of Deuis The Crusade of Louis VII (English translation of selections, within the Internet Medieval Sourcebook) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.)
Osbernus De expugnatione Lyxbonensi, 1147 [The Capture of Lisbon] (English translation, within the Internet Medieval Sourcebook) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.)
Peter the Hermit and the Popular Crusade: Collected Accounts (English translations, within the Internet Medieval Sourcebook) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.)
La première croisade (links to chronicle sources related to the First Crusade, in French) (Yves Gravelle, U. of Sherbrooke)
Raymond d'Aguiliers Historia francorum qui ceperint Jerusalem (English translation, within the Internet Medieval Sourcebook) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.)
Cairo History: The Age of Saladin (article, within larger site) (Alaa K. Ashmawy, U. South Florida)
Kenneth M. Setton, ed. A History of the Crusades (online texts) (U. Wisconsin, Madison Libraries)
Third Crusade (within larger online course) (E.L. Skip Knox, Boise State U.)
William of Tyre History of Deeds Done Beyond the Sea (selections; English translation; within the Internet Medieval Sourcebook site) (Paul Halsall, Fordham U.)

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in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
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