Feudal Japan (Kamakura, Ashikaga, Sengoku Periods) |
Cyrus Amini "The Samurai of Traditional Japan" (essay providing historical overview, along with brief bibliography)(Charlotte Country Day School, NC) |
Ancient Japan (designed as a course, with historical and cultural texts, links, and more) (Richard Hooker, Washington State U.) |
Azuchi Momoyama Period (1575 - 1603) (overview, within the Timeline of Japanese History exhibit; in English or in Japanese) (Minnesota State U., Mankota) |
Feudal Japan: Bibliography of Sources (within the World Civilizations site) (Richard Hooker, Washington State U.) |
Castles and the Unification of the Realm: 15th century to 17th century Japan (overview of exhibit, with images and text) (Natonal Museum of Japanese History, Sakura) |
Richard Hooker (Washington State U.) Feudal Japan (sections on history from the Heiji War to the Ashikaga Bakufu, culture, religion, and more, within the World Civilizations site) |
The Heiji War (essay, within the World Civilizations site) (Richard Hooker, Washington State U.) |
Noboru Ogata (Kyoto U.) Jôri System in the Nara Basin: Land Information System in Ancient and Medieval Japan (overview essay and images, within site devoted to Nara's history) |
Kamakura (overview of the Kamakura Period, with images, within the Timeline of Japanese History exhibit; in English or in Japanese) (Minnesota State U., Mankota) |
Ron Knight Samurai, Ninja & Medieval Japan Site (Society for CReative Anachronism site with articles arranged by topic, plus bibliography) |
Medieval Japan: 1185-1600-- Key Points (historical overview, as part of a web course) (East Asia Curriculum Project, Columbia U.) |
Nanbokucho & Muromachi Period (overview with images, within the Timeline of Japanese History exhibit; in English or in Japanese) (Minnesota State U., Mankota) |
Miyamoto Musashi A Book of Five Rings (Go Rin No Sho) (English translation by Victor Harris, with notes) |
Anthony J. Bryant Sengoku Daimyoo (site with an emphasis on military history, with a links page, essays on history and culture, commercial offerings, and more) |
Liza Dalby The Tale of Murasaki (essay about the historical context of a novel's characters, with images and texts on 11th-Century Japan) |
Richard Hooker (Washington State U.) Warring States Japan (1467-1573) (overview essay of the Onin War, the Sengoku Period in general, and the close of the Ashikaga Period) |