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Russia and the Ukraine
Medieval Russia   Suggest a Link
Chronology of Russian History: the Kievan and Appanage Periods  (859-1689) (Robert Beard, Bucknell U., Lewiston, PA)
Khazaria: A Resource for Turkic and Jewish History in Russia and Ukraine (historical overview, links (including maps), organization news, and more) (Kevin Brook)
Medieval Russia Knowledge Page (historical and cultural essays) (Jennifer D. Miller)
Medieval Russia Links and Research (annotated links) (Jennifer D. Miller)
William Richard Morfill A Brief History: Medieval Russia (from Russian History)
The Chronicle of Nestor (selection on founding of Kiev, from Walsh's English translation, Internet Medieval Sourcebook) (Paul Halsall, U. North Florida)
The Novogorod Chronicle: Selected Annals (in English translation, from the Internet Medieval Sourcebook) (Paul Halsall, U. North Florida)
Ruskaia Pravda (English translations of Russian laws, from The Primary Chronicle) (U. Durham)
The Varangians (Normans) and the Origins of the Russian and Ukrainian States. (historical overview) (U. Durham)
Vikings in Russia: Archaeological treasures from Staraia Ladoga and Novgorod (description of a Swedish exhibition) (U. Durham)

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in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
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