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Ancient and Early Imperial China   Suggest a Link
Ancient China: The Middle Kingdom (links to articles, arranged by subject and period) (Richard Hooker, Washington State U.)
Leon Poon (U. Maryland) Ancient Dynasties (1 of 2 overview article and image pages on Ancient Dynasties, within larger history of China site)
Centre for Hong Kong Prehistory (introduction, bibliography) (U. of Hong Kong)
The Chou, 1050-256 BC (overview, within the World Civilizations: China: The Middle Kingdom pages) (Richard Hooker, Washington State U.)
The Coins and History of Ancient China (virtual exhibits) (T. K. Mallon-McCorgray)
China: History (article on early China) (Robert Crowley, U. Illinois, Springfield)
Rinn-Sup Shinn and Robert L. Worden History of China: The Ancient Dynasties (article and images, with link to 2nd page on dynasties, within larger History of China site) (Leon Poon, U. Maryland)
The Chinese Empire: The Middle Kingdom (articles arranged by subject) (Richard Hooker, Washington State U.)
Emuseum: China (timeline on ancient and imperial Chinese periods, with articles and maps) (Minnesota State U., Mankota)
Han Dynasty (overview article and images, within larger site on ancient and imperial China) (Minnesota State U., Mankota)
Leon Poon (U. Maryland) The Imperial Era: The First Imperial Period (overview article and images, within larger history of China site)
The Development of Mathematics in Ancient China (article with images and tables) (Saxakali.com)
Barbara Bennett Patterson (Oregon State U.) Dutiful Daughters: Seven Moral Exemplars in Chinese History (essay about the use of women as figures for ethical instruction in early Chinese history)
Warring State Project ("a center and international contact point for research on China's classical period (the 05th through 03rd centuries," includes project description, other resources) (U. Massachusetts, Amherst)
Zhou Dynasty (overview article and images, within larger site on ancient and imperial China) (Minnesota State U., Mankota)

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in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
Contact: ayliu@english.ucsb.edu — To suggest links for inclusion in VoS, please use the "Suggest a Link" button on the relevant category page. To offer feedback on the site, please use the feedback form.
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