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General U.S. History Resources
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A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation (archived Congressional debates and documents) (Library of Congress, Washington, DC)
Core Documents of U.S. Democracy (links to key documents in American history) (U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC)
United States Documents (texts and facsimiles) (Emory U. School of Law)
DOUGLASS: Archives of American Public Address (full-text archive of historical American oratory and related documents; organized by speaker, title, and movement or controversy; searchable) (School of Speech, Northwestern U.)
HarpWeek: Explore History (electronic access to the full text and images of Harper's Weekly, 1857-1912)
Images of African Americans from the 19th Century (Schomburg Center, New York Public Library)
I.N. Phelps Stokes Collection of American Historical Prints (New York Public Library)
Letters of Delegates to Congress (virtual exhibit) (Library of Congress, Washington, DC)
An American Time Capsule: Three Centuries of Broadsides and other Printed Ephemera (difital archive) (Library of Congress, Washington, DC)
Private Passions, Public Legacy: Paul Mellon's Personal Library at the U. of Virginia (virtual exhibit) (Alderman Library, U. of Virginia)
NARA: US National Archives and Records Administration 
NARA: Exhibit Hall (US National Archives and Records Administration)
Presidents of the United States (images and biographies) (White House, Washington, DC)
From Revolution to Reconstruction: Documents (texts of numerous documents archived, arranged by time period) (U. of Groningen, Netherlands)
Scanned Originals of Early American Documents (including pages from the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence) (Emory School of Law)
Scripps Library Digital Archive on the American Presidency (collection of presidential speeches, recordings, oral histories and other presidential resources) (Miller Center of Public Affairs, U. Virginia)
Words and Deeds in American History (selections from the 1st 100 years of the Manuscript Division of the LOC) (Library of Congress, Washington, DC)

VoS is woven by Alan Liu and a development team
in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
Contact: ayliu@english.ucsb.edu — To suggest links for inclusion in VoS, please use the "Suggest a Link" button on the relevant category page. To offer feedback on the site, please use the feedback form.
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