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 •  Corporate / Academic Educational Collaborations
Postindustrial Business Theory
Business & Academe   Suggest a Link
Cause/Effect ("a practitioner's journal for college and university managers and users of information resources) (CAUSE)
CAUSE: The Assoc. for Managing and Using Information Resources in Higher Education 
Corporate / Academic Educational Collaborations
Michigan Virtual Automotive College ("brings courses and training programs to those who work in the automotive industry")
UAW-Ford University: Education for the 21st Century ("vital learning environment for UAW-Ford employees that will enhance their educations and give Ford the competitive edge it needs in a tough industry")
Robert C. Heterick (ed), Reengineering Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: Sheltered Groves, Camelot, Windmills, and Malls (253K text file) (CAUSE Professional Paper Series)
E. Kronqvist and H. Soini (U. Oulu, Finland), "Developing a Learning Organization at the University Level") 
Palinurus: The Academy and the Corporation -- Teaching the Humanities in a Restructured World (site created to encourage critical thought about the corporatization of higher education and the relation between academic"knowledge" and postindustrial "knowledge work"; currently includes "Featured Controversies," &q
James H. Porter, "Business Reengineering in Higher Education" (1993) (file also includes Mark Olson, "We Must Apply the Principles of Business Reengineering in Higher Education") (Cause/Effect)
Clifford Siskin, "The Business of Romanticism" (1997) ("the particular configuration of genres we call Literature is, in fact, a specific historical instance of a larger category--the technology of writing") (Romantic Circles)
Herbert F. W. Stahlke (Ball State U., Indiana) and James M. Nyce (Emporia State U., Kansas), "Reengineering Higher Education: Reinventing Teaching and Learning" (1996) (Cause/Effect)
Carol A. Twigg (SUNY Empire State C), "Improving Productivity in Higher Education - The Need for a Paradigm Shift" (1992) (Cause/Effect)

VoS is woven by Alan Liu and a development team
in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
Contact: ayliu@english.ucsb.edu — To suggest links for inclusion in VoS, please use the "Suggest a Link" button on the relevant category page. To offer feedback on the site, please use the feedback form.
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