Cultural and Historical Contexts |
Homepage of Elizabethan Accents (Ren Faire) |
John Price, "Ancient Rome and English Renaissance Theatre" (considers the influence Ancient Rome exerted over the Renaissance theatre) |
Jessica A. Browner, "Wrong Side of the River: London's Disreputable South Bank in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century" (1994) (Essays in History) |
An Early Modern Holiday Calendar for England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales (Kristen McDermott, Central Michigan U.) |
William Camden Annales Rerum Gestarum Angliae et Hiberniae Regnante Elizabetha (1615 and 1625) (hypertext edition, in Latin and in English, with the Bacon annotations, within U. Birmingham's Philological Museum) (Dana F. Sutton, U. California, Irvine) |
Early Modern English Source (organization homepage, with links to research resources page and to relevant scholarly events) |
East India Company (National Computer Board, Singapore) |
Emblem Books |
Alciato's Book of Emblems: The Memorial Web Edition in Latin and English (William Barker, Mark Feltham, and Jean Guthrie, Memorial U. Newfoundland) |
The English Emblem Book Project (large repository of emblem books; presents facismile pages, some clickable to to show the text associated with each emblem) (Penn State U.) |
Glasgow Centre for Emblem Studies (Alison Adams, U. of Glasgow) |
Andrew Zurcher (Cambridge U.) English Handwriting, 1500-1700: An Online Course (includes lessons, an extensive introduction, images, bibliography, and more; within Cambridge U.'s CERES site) |
William Harrison Description Of Elizabethan England (1577) (e-text of these works from Holinshed's Chronicles, within Fordham U.'s Internet Modern History Sourcebook) (Paul Halsall, U. North Florida) |
Raphael Holinshed The Historie of Scotland, conteining the beginning, increase, proceedings, acts and gouernement of the Scotish nation (facsimile reproductions from the 1585 Denham print) (Schoenberg Center for Electronic Text and Image, U. Pennsylvania) |
A Local Habitation and a Name: Social Sites of Renaissance Lyrics (homepgae for site offering individual pages on lyrics, each page including texts, glossary, and information about locale and social setting) (Jeffrey Powers-Beck, East Tennessee State U.) |
Mary Rose Homeport (virtual exhibition of the recovery of a sunken Tudor-period English warship) (Mary Rose Trust) |
Tudor and Elizabeth Portraits (images, bibliography, and links) (Edward Buehler) |
The Altered State: England, Literature, and the Pub ("looks at how inns, taverns, alehouses and pubs have appeared in literature from Chaucer to the present day") (Steven Earnshaw, Sheffield Hallam U., UK) |
Richard III and Yorkist History Server |
Richard III Society (many full-text, pedagogical, and other resources that serve as a general introduction to the late medieval and Renaissance period; includes literary texts) (Richard III Society, American Branch) |
Elizabethan Sumptuary Statutes (introductory essay, along with edited transcriptions of several statutes) (Maggie Pierce Secara) |
Tudors (and Stuarts) Page (historical information, illustrations) (Welford and Wickham Primary School, Berkshire, England) |
Tyburn Tree: Public Execution in Early Modern England ("Renaissance dying speeches, other documents, and images, as well as current articles" dealing with public execution) (created by Zachary Lesser, Columbia U.; now maintained by Charlie Mitchell) |
Virgil in Late Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance: An Online Bibliography (David Wilson-Okamura) |
The Virginia Colony |
The First Virginia Charter, 1606 (Philip Schwarz/American Revolution HTML Project) |
Instructions for the Virginia Colony, 1606 (W. B. Leemhuis/American Revolution HTML Project) |
The Second Virginia Charter, 1609 (Philip Schwarz/American Revolution HTML Project) |
The Third Virginia Charter, 1612 (Philip Schwarz/American Revolution HTML Project) |
Homepage of Medieval and Renaissance Wedding Information (includes bibliographies of scholarly resources) (Kirsti S. Thomas, St. Martin's C.) |
Witchcraft in Europe and America (free citation search in Cornell U. rare book collection of early Modern works in the literature of witchcraft and demonology; full texts by subscription only) (Primary Source Media) |