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Classical Japan (Nara and Heian Periods)   Suggest a Link
Richard Hooker (Washington State U.) Heian Japan (overview of the Heian Period, 794-1192)
Nicolas Pioch Heian Art (historical overview, plus focus on artistic background)
The Heian Period (overview and images, within the Timeline of Japanese History exhibit; in English or in Japanese) (Minnesota State U., Mankota)
Kumiko Yamachika (National Defense Academy) Jô-Bô System of Heijô-Kyô: City Planning in Ancient Japan (essay and images; within a larger site on Nara, from Kyoto U.)
Satomi Nishimura (Nara Women’s U.) "Everyday life of a nobleman in the 8th century" (essay focused on Prince Nagaya, used to illustrate 8th-century life in nara, within Kyoto U.'s Soramitsu site)
Noboru Ogata (Kyoto U.) Nara (Heijô-kyô) — The Capital of Japan in the 8th Century (essay and images, wtihin the Soramitsu site)
Soramitsu: Historical-geographical tour of Nara from the air (with a satellite image of Nara as a map, you can search out articles arranged by both period and locale) (Noboru Ogata, Kyoto U.)
Ancient Japanese writing symbols (overview of museum exhibit, with a number of relevant images) (National Museum of Japanese History, Sakura)

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in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
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