The Caribbean |
A Country Study: Commonwealth of Caribbean Islands (historical, geographical, po liticaland cultural information, covering a number of Caribbean nations) (Sandra W. Meditz and Dennis M. Hanratty, Library of COngress, Washington, DC) |
Caribbean Amerindian Communities Online (current and historical information, organized by area)(Caribbean Amerindian Centrelink) |
Lanic: Cuba (links for research on the culture, history, and politics of Cuba) (U. Texas, Austin) |
Cuba Maps (from the Perry-Castaņeda Library Map Collection) (U. Texas, Austin) |
A COuntry Study: The Dominican Republic (historical, cultural, political and economic information, from pre-Columbian to present times, arranged by topic) (Richard A. Haggerty, Library of Congress, Washington, DC) |
A Country Study: Haiti (historical, cultural, political and economic information, from pre-Columbian to present times, arranged by topic) (Richard A. Haggerty, Library of Congress, Washington, DC) |
Lanic: Jamaica (links for research on the culture, history, and politics of Jamaica) (U. Texas, Austin) |
Lanic: Haiti (links for research on the culture, history, and politics of Haiti) (U. Texas, Austin) |