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19th-Century Britain
Industrialism and Working Conditions   Suggest a Link
The Crystal Palace, or The Great Exhibition of 1851: An Overview (Vitcorian Web) (George Landow, Brown U.)
The Life of the Industrial Worker in 19th-Century England (material from a 1930 history textbook) (Laura Del Col, West Virginia U.)
Jonathan F. Scott and Alexander Baltzly, The Life of the Industrial Worker in 19th-Century England (excerpts from 1830 textbook titled Readings in European History Since 1814) (Laura Del Col)
Arnold Toynbee, Lectures on The Industrial Revolution in England (1884) (three lectures by Toynbee)
Peter Higginbotham The Workhouse (history of the workhouse across Britain, Poor Laws, and related topics, 1601-1930; includes images, transcriptions, articles, and more)

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in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
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