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 •  Joanne Finkelstein (Monash U.),
 •  Henry A. Giroux (Pennsylvania State U.)
Cultural Studies
Popular / Mass Culture Studies   Suggest a Link
(including "leisure," "everyday life," "consumerism," and "subculture" topics)
Academy of Leisure Studies 
Bibliography: Consumer Culture and Leisure (Don Slater, U. London)
Karen Burns, "Zones of Theory and Amusement: Video Arcades and Luna Park" (1996) (Globe E-Journal)
Consumer Culture Research Site (Don Slater, Goldsmiths C., U. London)
The Culture of Celebrity: An Annotated Bibliography of Critical Writings (David Blake, The College of New Jersey)
Digital Nostalgia (a "high-tech memory lane" of now antique computer games) (Marc Sakey)
Fashion (from the view of Baudrillard, Marx, Freud) (part of U. Florida Fetish project)
Joanne Finkelstein (Monash U.),
Ruth Barcan (U. Western Sydney), Response (1997) 
Jennifer Craik (Griffith U.), "Chic to Chic" (1997) 
Henry A. Giroux (Pennsylvania State U.)
"Doing Cultural Studies: Youth and the Challenge of Pedagogy" 
"Slacking Off: Border Youth and Postmodern Education" (1994) (JAC Online)
H-PCAACA Discussion Group 
Josh Kun, "Reading, Writing, & Rap: Literacy as Rap Sound System" (1994) (Bad Subjects)
Tony Lack, "Consumer Society and Authenticity: The (Il)logic of Punk Practices" (Undercurrent)
Manchester Institute for Popular Culture Website (Manchester Metropolitan U.)
Robin Markowitz, "Canonizing the Popular" 
The McDonaldization of Society (brief digest of the "MacDonaldization" thesis for a course page) (Robert O. Keel, U. Missouri, St. Louis)
Hugh Miller (Nottingham Trent U., UK), "The Social Psychology of Objects" (1995) 
Steve Mizrach, "Iterative Discourse and the Formation of New Subcultures" (essay using subcultural studies approach to discuss "hackers," "techno/ravers," and "modern primitives")
Placing (a series of product "epiphanies" demonstrating the thesis that contemporary "placing" [product placements in movies, TV shows, and sporting events] "captures the essence of a new kind of selfhood for the '90s. No longer do
Pop Culture (Communication Studies, U. Iowa)
Popular Culture Dept., Bowling Green State U. 
Postmodern Culture: Pop-Cult Columns (Note: as of 1997 this online journal [including most back issues] is issued through the Johns Hopkins U. Press "Project Muse"; it is now accessible only to users at subscribing institutions)
Repetition: The David Bowie Critical Analysis Page (essays on Bowie, his music, art, films, etc.)
Retro: The Magazine of Classic 20th Century Popular Culture (motto: "anything that was ever cool")
Steven Shaviro (U. Washington), Doom Patrols ("theoretical fiction about postmodernism and popular culture"; full text of book)
Kim Stone (U. California, Santa Barbara), "Of Patented Ladybugs and Beneficial Nematodes: The Organic Garden as Foucauldian Heterotopia" (1997) (Thresholds)
Stuart Hall (see above) 
Thomas Swiss (Drake U.), Youth Music and Culture (course)
U. Iowa Communication Studies Resources: Pop Culture ("articles about pop culture")
Undercurrent: An Online Journal for the Analysis of the Present 

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in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
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