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 •  Floyd W. Hayes
 •  Dale T. Graden
African American
Courses & Syllabi   Suggest a Link
African American Literature Syllabi (Randy Bass, Georgetown U.)
African-American Literature Syllabus (Linda J. Holland-Toll, Newberry C.)
African-American Religion: A Documentary History Project (teaching resources, including syllabi) (Amherst C.)
African and African American Studies: Syllabi (U. Memphis)
Black Studies Course Syllabi (U. California, Santa Barbara)
Dale T. Graden
Comparative African American Cultures Syllabus (Dale T. Graden, U. Idaho)
Comparative Slavery and Emancipation in the Atlantic World Syllabus (Dale T. Graden, U. Idaho)
Modern African American Culture Syllabus (Dale T. Graden, U. Idaho)
Floyd W. Hayes
African American Political Thought Syllabus (Manuel Avalos, Arizona State U. West)
African Americans and Leadership: Community, Strategy, and Transformation Syllabus (Manuel Avalos, Arizona State U. West)
Black Political Participation in America Syllabus (Manuel Avalos, Arizona State U. West)
Studies in African American Literature: Syllabus (Doris Witt, U. Iowa)
Survey of African American Literature and Writing: Writing About Issues of Power, Race, and Gender Syllabus (Samantha Blackmon, Purdue U.)

VoS is woven by Alan Liu and a development team
in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
Contact: ayliu@english.ucsb.edu — To suggest links for inclusion in VoS, please use the "Suggest a Link" button on the relevant category page. To offer feedback on the site, please use the feedback form.
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