Courses & Programs (Cultural Studies) |
Courses |
Carl Cuneo (McMaster U.), Trade Unions and Gender |
Al Filreis (U. Penn), The Literature & Culture of the American 1950s (includes many online resources) |
Cindy Fuchs (George Mason U.) |
50ft Queenies ("course examines current gendered and sexed identities as they are produced, resisted, and negotiated through and as popular media imagery, primarily in the U.S.") |
Black Popular Cultures |
Rock and Rap |
Tabloid Culture |
Lytle Givens (Union U., Tennessee), History of Social Thought |
Barbara Harlow, Bret Benjamin, Mary Harvan (U. Texas, Austin), Literary Contexts and Contests ("Through active--and activist--readings of these texts, and participatory writing, our own project will be to investigate the cultural arguments that literary works can instigate and the conflicts that they just as often resolve and/or exacerb |
Earl Jackson, Jr. (U. California, Santa Cruz), "Fantasy Campus" (Courses in Comparative Literature & Cultural Studies) |
Peter Kollock, Marc Smith (UCLA), The Sociology of Cyberspace |
Rita Raley (U. California, Santa Barbara), "Third World / Postcolonial Literary Studies" |
Leonardo Salamini and Jim Brazell (Bradley U.), The Sociology of Cyberspace |
General Course & Program Resources |
Cultural Studies Academic Courses & Programs (Sarah Zupko) |
Sociology Courses (SocioSite / Albert Benschop) |
Programs |
Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis, Theory and Interpretation (temporarily unavailable) |
George Mason U. Cultural Studies Program |
Georgetown U. Communication, Culture, and Technology Program |
Internationales Forschungszentrum Kulturwissenschaften (International Research Center for Cultural Studies), Vienna ("a transnationally oriented research institute, founded by the Austrian government to promote interdisciplinary research and postgraduate training in the humanities and cultural studies") |
Tel Aviv U. Unit for Culture Research |