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Dark Age and Roman Britain   Suggest a Link
General Resources
History of the United Kingdom: Primary Documents from Antiquity through 1065 (annotated links)(Richard Hacken, Brigham Young U.)
Early British Kingdoms Web Site (covers early Celtic kingdoms from the time of the Romans to the 11th century, hosted by Britannia) (David Nash Ford)
Historical resources for 'Dark Age' Britain (annotated set of links to primary texts of early British chroniclers and poet-historians) (Keith Matthews)
Regia Anglorum (homepage for group devoted to "Anglo-Saxon, Viking, Norman and British Living History," with links to articles and news about re-enactment activities)
The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (transcriptions into Old English, with very full editorial discussion, within the Georgetown Labyrinth site) (Tony Jebson)
Annales Cambrię version A (Latin text, based on the Phillmore print) (Keith Matthews)
Gildas De excidio Brittonum (latin text, based on the Theodore Mommsen edition) (Keith Matthews)
Nennius History of the Britons (J.A. Giles translation of entire text) Avalon Project, Yale Law School)
English Heritage Ancient Monuments Laboratory 
Roman Scotland: An Exhibition (Hunterian Museum, Glasgow)
Vindolanda Tablets Online (database for tablets, virtual exhibit with articles on the historical background, and more) (Center for the STudy of Ancient Documents, and Oxford U.)

VoS is woven by Alan Liu and a development team
in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
Contact: ayliu@english.ucsb.edu — To suggest links for inclusion in VoS, please use the "Suggest a Link" button on the relevant category page. To offer feedback on the site, please use the feedback form.
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