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 •  FinAid! The SmartStudent Guide to Financial Aid
 •  Research Fellowships & Grants
Information for Students
Financial Aid   Suggest a Link
FinAid! The SmartStudent Guide to Financial Aid
Homepage of FinAid! The SmartStudent Guide to Financial Aid (Mark Kantrowitz)
Student's Guide to FinAid (Mark Kantrowitz, FinAid)
Parent's Guide to FinAid (Mark Kantrowitz, FinAid)
FinAid for Educators and FAAs (Mark Kantrowitz, FinAid)
Answering Your Questions (Mark Kantrowitz, FinAid)
Beyond Financial Aid (Mark Kantrowitz, FinAid)
Calculators (Mark Kantrowitz, FinAid)
FastWeb Scholarship Search 
Financial Aid Applications (Mark Kantrowitz, FinAid)
Loans (Mark Kantrowitz, FinAid)
Military Student Aid (Mark Kantrowitz, FinAid)
Other Types of Aid (Mark Kantrowitz, FinAid)
Saving for College (Mark Kantrowitz, FinAid)
Scholarships (Mark Kantrowitz, FinAid)
eduPASS: The SmartStudent Guide to Studying in the USA (Mark Kantrowitz, FinAid)
Pay for College (info and resources on "college costs, scholarships, financial aid applications, education loans, and college financing") (College Board)
FinAid (FinAid Page, LLC)
Nellie Mae Student Loans 
Research Fellowships & Grants
General Resources
Research @ UIC: Grant & Contract Proposals (U. Illinois, Chicago)
The Foundation Center
Homepage for The Foundation Center (their mission to "collect, organize, and communicate information on U.S. philanthropy, conduct and facilitate research on trends in the field, provide education and training on the grantseeking process, and ensure public access to information and services through our Web site, print and electronic publications, five library/learning centers, and a national network of Cooperating Collections")
Finding Funders (The Foundation Center)
For Grantmakers (The Foundation Center)
For Individual Grantseekers (The Foundation Center)
For People with Disabilities (The Foundation Center)
For the Media (The Foundation Center)
Learning Lab (includes virtual classroom, online librarian, and online bookshelf) (The Foundation Center)
Philanthropy News Digest (The Foundation Center)
Researching Philanthropy (The Foundation Center)
SearchZone (The Foundation Center)
Youth in Philanthropy (The Foundation Center)
Grants in Graduate Studies (GIGS)
Homepage for Grants in Graduate Studies (GIGS) (New York U.)
Grants in Graduate Studies - Humanities (Grants in Graduate Studies, New York U.)
Grants in Graduate Studies - Sciences (Grants in Graduate Studies, New York U.)
Grants in Graduate Studies - Social Sciences (Grants in Graduate Studies, New York U.)
Grants in Graduate Studies - International Students (Grants in Graduate Studies, New York U.)
Grants in Graduate Studies - Postgraduate and Postdoctoral Grants (Grants in Graduate Studies, New York U.)
Grants in Graduate Studies - Students with Disabilities (Grants in Graduate Studies, New York U.)
Grants in Graduate Studies - Underrepresented Groups of Students (Grants in Graduate Studies, New York U.)
Grants in Graduate Studies - Women (Grants in Graduate Studies, New York U.)
American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) 
Annenberg/CPB Project 
Ford Foundation Diversity Fellowships for Minorities 
Fulbright Senior Scholar Program (Council for International Exchange of Scholars)
Huntington Library Fellowships 
IMPACT II--The Teachers Network (non-profit organization page with info on grants and "500 of the best teacher-designed, student-centered award-winning classroom projects that work and are available to all teachers to use immediately in their classrooms")
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation 
National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) 
National Humanities Center Fellowships (National Humanities Center, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina)
National Research Council - Fellowship Office 
Pauline Oliveros Foundation Inc. (funds research in arts technology and projects in music, literature, performance art, and creative collaborations)
Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation 
Sallie Mae ("provides federally guaranteed student loans originated under the Federal Family Education Loan Program and offers comprehensive information and resources to assist students, parents and guidance professionals with the financial aid process")
Student Aid on the Web (Federal Student Aid)
The Student Guide (financial aid info from the U. S. Dept. of Education)

VoS is woven by Alan Liu and a development team
in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
Contact: ayliu@english.ucsb.edu — To suggest links for inclusion in VoS, please use the "Suggest a Link" button on the relevant category page. To offer feedback on the site, please use the feedback form.
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