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Anarchy Archive (Dana Ward, Pitzer C., Claremont Colleges)
Homepage of Anarchy Archives 
Selected Author Pages of the Anarchy Archive:
Emma Goldman 
Errico Malatesta 
Max Stirner 
Michael Bakunin 
Murray Bookchin 
Noam Chomsky 
Peter Kropotkin 
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon 
William Godwin 
Tom Bridges (Montclair State U.), Philosophy and Civil Society (topically-organized brief essays "devoted to the philosophical examination of the nature of civil society and civic culture in general. . . . addresses the contemporary crisis of liberal democratic civic culture in the postmodern peri
CNN/Time AllPolitics 
Government & Politics On The Net Project (3-year research project "aimed at developing a model of the effects of the Net on Political participation . . . involves gathering survey data from people using governmental and political Web sites and government-oriented e-mail systems") (Bruc
Online Resource Guide to Political Inquiry (Michael Dartnell, Concordia U.)
Political Advertising Articles and Resources (Communication Studies, U. Iowa)
Political Resources on the Net ("sorted by country, with links to parties, organizations, governments") (Agorà Telematia)
Political Science: A Net Station (Walter C. Koern Library, U. British Columbia)
RAND Home Page
Featured Titles 
Issue Papers 
RAND Books 
Search RAND Abstracts 
Subject Bibliographies 
Resources of Scholarly Societies - Political Science (U. Waterloo)
The Seventh Seal (European-based site "dedicated to politics of all kinds, everything from nazism to libertarianism . . . Since many of the sites I've linked are run by various extreme political organisations, I recommend those of you who are intolerant and bigoted t

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in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
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