History & Culture |
Avesta: Zoroastrian Archives-- Homepage ("text of the extant Avesta, the most ancient scriptures of Zoroastrianism, as well as many Pahlavi scriptures," plus linguistic information and other resources) (Avesta.org) |
About.com: Ancient/Classical History (N.S. Gill) |
Ancient Roman Cooking: A Collection of Recipes (Micaela Pantke) |
The Ancient City of Athens ("a photographic archive of the archaeological and architectural remains of ancient Athens) (Kevin T. GLowacki, Indiana U) |
The Ancient Greek World (virtual museum exhibition) (U. of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology) |
The Ancient Olympic Games Virtual Museum (requires registration) (Fillia Makedon, Dartmouth C.) |
The Ancient World: Antiquity Online (subject-based articles from the STone Age to the Middle Ages) (Frank E. Smitha) |
Babylon ("It is the year 580BC and the city of Babylon is at its greatest. Under the rule of king Nebuchadnezzar the magnificent city is considered the mightiest and most beautiful in the known world. . . .") (Daniel Craig Walton) |
CEIPAC: Centro para el Estudio de la Interdependencia Provincial en la Antigedad Clasica (site on economics of the classical age: "la produccion y comercializacion de alimentos en la antigedad clasica (José Remesal, U. Barcelona) |
Chronology: Rome (EAWC Internet Resources) |
De Imperatoribus Romanis: An Online Encyclopedia of Roman Emperors (articles, as well as images from coins and atlases) (Richard D. Weigel, Western Kentucky U.) |
De re militari: Assoc. for the Study of Classical and Medieval Military Matters (Monte Turner) |
Diotima ("an interdisciplinary resource for anyone interested in patterns of gender around the ancient Mediterranean and as a forum for collaboration among instructors who teach courses about women and gender in the ancient world.. . . includes cours |
Forum Romanum ("Explore Forum Romanum to experience Rome's past through its culture, religion, language, and much more."; site offers a great many color photographs, in the form either of virtual (visual) tours or alongside mini-essays on a large variet |
Gateway to World History: Ancient Mediterranean Civilization (history with a labor focus) (Haines Brown, Central Connecticut S.) |
Herodotus, The History of Herodotus (Rawlinson translation into English) (Internet Classics Archive, Massachusetts Institute of Technology) |
Hesiod |
Shield of Heracles (Internet Classics Archive) |
Theogony (Internet Classics Archive) |
Works and Days (Internet Classics Archive) |
Horses and Classical Culture : 58 Million B.C.-450 A.D. (International Museum of the Horse) |
Roman Empire: Imperium Romanorum (historical material on Roman censors, consuls, and emperors) (Clifton R. Fox , Tomball C., Texas) |
Late Antiquity Resources (Steven Muhlberger, Nipissing U., Canada) |
Late Antiquity in the Mediterranean: A Guide to Online Resources |
Overview of Late Antiquity |
Visual Tour through Late Antiquity (With an Emphasis on Gaul and the Time of Gregory of Tours) |
Plutarch |
Plutarch Works (links to texts in English translated by Dryden) (Internet Classics Archive, Massachusetts I. of Technology) |
Roman Empire / Imperivm Romanorvm (site offers database-formatted information on the following topics: Censors of the Republic; Ordinary Consuls of the Republic and Empire, 300 BC -- 68 AD; House of the Caesares--a genealogical guide to the Julio Claudians; Roman Emperors) (Clifton R. Fox , Tomball C.) |
Roman Law Homepage ("These pages are dedicated to Roman Law: the legal system invented by the Romans more than 2000 years ago, which - having undergone the process of decay, revival, transformation and reinterpretation innumerable times - continues to influence l |
Roman Scotland: An Exhibition of the Hunterian Museum, Glasgow |
Ships of the Ancient Greeks ("An Annotated Collection of Internet Resources: Archaeology Sites, History Sites, Classics Sites, Museum Sites,Bibliographies, Syllabi, Articles, Lectures, Book Reviews, and Images") (Bob Fisher) |
P. Cornelius Tacitus |
Tacitus The Annals (Church and Brodribb English translation) Internet Classics Archive, Massachusetts I. of Technology) |
Tacitus Histories (Church and Brodribb English translation) Internet Classics Archive, Massachusetts I. of Technology) |
Thucydides History of The Peloponnesian War (Crawley English translation) (Internet Classics Archive, Massachusetts I. of Technology) |
Traditions of Magic in Late Antiquity (online exhibition on "magic and its practitioners in the Mediterranean basin and the Near East from the 1st to the 7th centuries A.D.") (Gideon Bohak, U. of Michigan Library) |
The Virtual Gallery ("Each of these virtual exhibitions is a study in the art of the Greco-Roman world with a few excursions into other time periods and cultures. . .") (San Jose State U.) |
VÍTELIÚ The Languages of Ancient Italy (site includes links, reference tools, a language map; information structured around the following topic headings: The Languages of Ancient Italy; MAP Classification of the Languages; The Alphabets of Ancient Italy; Selected Inscriptions; Etruscan V |
Warfare in the Greco-Roman World (includes articles and links, arranged by geographical area) (James MacLean) |
Windows on Italy: the Early Italic Tribes (general overview of Italy's history, up tot he Classical period) (the Italic Institute of America) |
Women and Gender in Ancient Egypt: From Pre-History to Late Antiquity (virtual exhibit) (Terry G. Wilfon, Kelsey Museum, U. of Michigan) |
Women's Life in Greece and Rome (this site offers passages from primary texts relelvant to ten major categories: Women's Voices; Philosophers; Legal Status in the Roman World; Private Life; Medicine and Anatomy; Men's Opinions; Legal Status in the Greek World; Public Life; Occupat |